One of the biggest additions to Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes has to be Snakes voice, acted by Kiefer Sutherland known for his role as Jack Bauer in the hugely popular TV series 24. Snake being a man of few words is heard during cutscene dialogues through Kiefer Sutherland’s soft yet raspy tone adding a nice touch of humanity to that of the previously emotionless Snake in past series.Our major gripe about Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes was not in the games length but in the lack of closure you feel at the end of playing. We guess this lack of closure is on purpose considering this being a prologue to Phantom Pain, but we do think Kojima could have better focused on the lack-luster narratives, building towards an inspiring crescendo that the audience would be left begging for an encore.
PSN trophy sync can be pretty retarded most of time.
When u getting this ?
Ground Zeroes review 3/5
Very honest review, but the reviewer doesn’t seem to have played the past games in the series.
I was about to watch Gamespot's review on YouTube, but stopped the video when I saw the he/she. Blehhh! Guess I'll wait for IGN.
Not sure as of yet. I guess as soon as there's a price drop. For now, I picked up a few games from Steam and I have the FF X/X-2 LE ordered from Amazon, that's supposed to be shipping tomorrow. So, I've got things to keep me preoccupied while I wait for this...
I was about to watch Gamespot's review on YouTube, but stopped the video when I saw the he/she. Blehhh! Guess I'll wait for IGN.
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I'll probably officially buy this once it's bundled with PP I agree no point in buying this for full price it's a demo .
Wheeershhh shaahh srigga?! Wheeerrrshhitt?!
My bad, though. It wasn't a review, just an "Ask Gamespot" segment from last week. Ugh... I hope you didn't eat anything.