The over the top darkness only seems worrying with this new trailer, which was underwhelming It may be the most boring MGS e3 trailer ever.
The only interesting questions are, why is Snake with Skull face? Is liquid gonna be a boss fight? And why the heck is REX there, 20 years before it ever gets used??
Boring is right. It feels like a mere continuation from the trailer that was shown last year.
I actually think that Skull Face might not be a villain, based on his tragic past, and the fact that he wants revenge on Zero. I'm not sure what's the deal with the mech, though. That does look like REX

I honestly hope this gets panned by critics and fans when it comes out, for Kojima to go back to basics. I'm still clueless as to why he's gone the way he's gone with the series the last few years.
If the game turns out to be amazing, then fine. But from what I've seen, it will be anything but. As a game, it will more than likely be fun, but as a MGS game I feel it falls short.
That's how I felt when I played Ground Zeroes. It's a great sandbox game, but it just doesn't feel like MGS anymore. It'll probably be the same with TPP as well. But, since cardboard boxes are back, I guess it might retain a small ounce of semblance from the series

If this game does get panned, hopefully Kojima can restart the ZOE 3 project again

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