Yeppers, well yeah, anime is usually more opened about the subject, but these are usually women who are in kids movies who have a very "subliminal" sexuality.Thats the movie with the super hot Redhead right?
When it comes to adult themed cartoons I prefer anime those are hardcore, like Queen's Blade, not a movie but.. since we are on the topic
That demo looked super fun!
And someone mentioned getting dizzy in the 60fps, I got dizzy too, it's the 60 fps people I'm telling you!!!! it's a slow moving video and we don't need those 60fps, the same will happen in the game, unless it's a super fast paced gameplay, a game doesn't really need 60fps.
Hmm, that's strange Gaspar. What monitor are you using to play games? Is is calibrated? Did you checked your gamma, color temperature, brightness, sharpness, color, tint, and TURN OFF every enhancement including dynamic contrast, edge enhancers, noise reduction and smooth motion?
You can buy plenty of calibration discs online. I always shudder that people spent hundreds of thousands on a TV but default to whatever setting they get, which is never NTSC Calibrated standards.
As for 60fps, it's always the better option then 30, but I get what you mean with the "soap opera effect". Cutscenes should always be locked at 24fps, while gameplay should be 60 to make it smooth, lifelike and have a better response time and cutscenes and movies SHOULD NOT. Unfortunately it's very rare that developers do that.
Yeppers I have my monitor set up just the way I want to, and have multiple pre-sets to change it to in case I need to, but like I said, it's only with that video I've experienced that, but I blame the 60fps of this particular video, I didn't get super dizzy or anything, just slight enough for me to notice at one moment.
I don't know, take a look at the Order 1886, you don't need more than 30 fps when you don't have a super fast paced gameplay that relies on snap fast movements, like 1st person shooters and competitive multiplayer, when a game doesn't really need a faster framerate and it has a faster framerate, even the game feeling suffers from what I like to call; arcade-syndrome.
I mean, we spent 1 or 2 generations of consoles playing at 30fps, a good 15 years and it was never a problem.
I know I know, mine is one of a kind odd opinion
Opinions are opinions man, I kinda like Godzilla 1998, so who am I to talk?
I'm kinda curious though, why do you need multiple presets for your display?
Also, those 60fps MGS videos aren't running at real time, but rather, it's a artificially tweaked video to approximate what 60fps will be. MGS2 on PS2, MGS HD collection and to some extent, MGR are examples of MGS in 60fps.
I thought about that gif too
So Solidus, I'm on vacations now, I'm gonna start watching 24, do you recommend the 1st season or the relaunch?
Oh yeah... Lola
This is the kind of thing thats makes kids turn into men thats prefer blue eyed blondes over brunettes
5 bucks says perverted jokes will rear it's head again in full force despite the "serious" tone.
Ugh, I'd at least hope for that. There wasn't any sort of traditional, comedic relief in Ground Zeroes.
Oddly, that's the only memorable thing I ever got out of Peace Walker .
I wonder if the singing robots are coming back for MGS V. And since it's the 80s, they should sing in the voices of Michael Jackson, Little Richard, or Prince. You know, because "EmGeeEss is better wiff realizzzmmm!".