The Gameplay Demo will be finally coming this Thursday. I wonder why they decided to have a closed door presentation, doesn't that not help marketing?
So what happened to the Kojima that didn't show spoilers in his promotional material, i.e MGS2, 3, MPO?
I've been wondering about that since last year. He's literally throwing everything and the kitchen sink, just to "wow" us. Times have really changed for him and his handling of this series.
I don't blame him. He himself admitted few days ago that he'll only be given a huge budget if he works on a MGS game, and that he might as well take advantage of that by incorporating gameplay ideas he always wanted to do but was unable to due to past hardware limitations. In the end, he's just rolling with that since we know MGSV wasn't supposed to happen. Why should he care if the promotional materials contains spoilers if it generates more buzz.
Like I said before, I really blame Konami and their lack of cash cows other than PES and MGS.
What really irks me, is that they've just never given other franchises a chance. ZOE 3 could have been something great, Suikoden could have competed well with Final Fantasy (if given further development and more marketing). But, MGS has always taken precedence over everything else. While that might sound like good news, I just get the impression that Kojima's creativity is being tremendously stifled by being in this one series for so long. I also read an article a few days ago, that Kojima's bigger budget entails that he has less creative freedom over his work as compared to the past. So, now days, whatever he incorporates into MGS V will have to be screened by Konami's marketing department for approval:
So in the end it's all about making money, and it couldn't be more blatantly apparent with the outlandish merchandizing and paid demos.
Personally, I don't think ZOE3 will ever happen, unless MGSV doesn't sell well. I do have the new Castlevania: Lords of Shadow but haven't tried it yet. Silent Hill is another series that Konami doesn't know what to do with, they admitted Downpour didn't sell well hence why there hasn't been any word on anything Silent Hill for years now.
It certainly looks that way. It's very disheartening that MGS V isn't going to have Kojima's usual flair for creativity (of course, aside from Peace Walker and nanonmachine). In the end, it's probably Konami who decided that all of these dark themes like rape, revenge, and death were more marketable when considering the current trends in pop-culture entertainment (eg. Nolan Batman and Breaking Bad). It's probably the case that Kojima had some more viable - and dare I say, more sane, and more coherent ideas that were shot down. Of course, it's all conjecture, but that article left me with so many questions.
I know that we've been saying for months in this thread, about how MGS has turned into a cash cow. But, it really sucks to hear news that your concerns were actually justified.
I think after MGS4, Kojima should of left. He didn't direct MPO, and I think that felt definitely more in the universe than PW ever did. I'm honestly sick of hearing him talking about this. It's been over 10 years since he first mentioned it, either **** or get off the pot already.
From the interview, it's not a "Kojima" game so it is (in timeline) and isn't (in details) a canon. To me, PO made more sense and the whole plot on why and how he got the idea on building an army & how to fund it was handle quite well. Plus, the introduction of Campbell and Null and how the Patriot came together weren't bad either.
I think he's just not ready to let go of it & Konami decisions aren't helping the situation. They are putting too much faith on MGS and neglecting other possibilities.
So in the end it's all about making money, and it couldn't be more blatantly apparent with the outlandish merchandizing and paid demos.
Personally, I don't think ZOE3 will ever happen, unless MGSV doesn't sell well. I do have the new Castlevania: Lords of Shadow but haven't tried it yet. Suikoden just disappeared into obscurity, and Silent Hill is a series that Konami doesn't know what to do with as well, they admitted Downpour didn't sell well hence why there hasn't been any word on anything Silent Hill for years now.
Aww thats a shame man, i really enjoyed Downpour. I suppose thats what you get for trying something different...
PW's gameplay was fun, but Fulton does really remove any effort in removing enemies.
In MPO, you had to drag every body back to a truck I believe.
Interesting. My friends keep telling me how much they enjoyed Downpour, I've never gotten around playing it despite being a huge Silent Hill fan. I guess at the back of my mind, Akira Yamaoka's departure kinda ended Silent Hill for me, but I'll get to playing Downpour someday.