Such a contrast of philosophies. Hibino has a real passion for Video Game music, and it really shows in his work in MGS 2 and 3. It was awesome that you got to meet, him, Ryan!

As for Banana Boy... well, I can't stand Banana Boy.
For all I care that theory might be completely wrong and laughable when the games comes out, but you can't deny from a writer's perspective that's kind of a neat twist. Plus you could commit all sorts of atrocities as Fake Boss, further strengthening the eventual theme of "hate" and "revenge" while keeping the real Big Boss out of the picture until some point in the game, or maybe you'll go after Big Boss himself. Yes, it's totally out there, but have a little fun.
What else do you think about the gameplay?
Yeah, for all we know, this is probably Big Boss. The one thing that I'd hate, is for this game to have a straight-forward plot on "revenge" only. Big Boss loses his allies, then Big Boss gets mad and blows s**t up. How boring. I'd like to feel what I did in MGS 1 and 2 again. Although, that's probably wishing for too much, considering how much the quality of writing in this series has declined over the recent years.
The sandbox gameplay looks very polished for what it is. I still don't like the high-tech iDroid thingy (in the 80s

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