Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Just listened to the full soundtrack, it's not terrible at all :lol it's nothing remarkable but it's not terrible.

Some tracks are really good, Like Caution, Escape and some others, the main theme though gets pretty ****ing old after 3 seconds :lol Like Solidus said, FAAART fart fart fart :lol

I knew it couldn't be that bad since I loved the eerie background music when you were sneaking around in GZ, it took me back to MGS1 times.

And about the awful bass, that could be due to the poor extraction quality since it hasn't been officially released.
Just listened to the full soundtrack, it's not terrible at all :lol it's nothing remarkable but it's not terrible.

Some tracks are really good, Like Caution, Escape and some others, the main theme though gets pretty ****ing old after 3 seconds :lol Like Solidus said, FAAART fart fart fart :lol

I knew it couldn't be that bad since I loved the eerie background music when you were sneaking around in GZ, it took me back to MGS1 times.

And about the awful bass, that could be due to the poor extraction quality since it hasn't been officially released.


Yeah, it's good gaming music, all things considered. It's just very subpar when compared to the exquisite tracks from the rest of the series. But, I think you're right about the bass. I was so disappointed that there was so many nuanced sounds that were muffled out by this booming bass in the "Escape" track. I definitely hope that there's an official release for the OST so we can hear it better quality.

Good lord... Ryan's turning me into an audiophile :monkey4.

Cant stand that show just as bad as friends.

Seinfeld had some great episodes. Friends was just an awful show for stereotypical valley girls.
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Seinfeld had some great episodes. Friends was just an awful show for stereotypical valley girls.

i'm guessing after that Trailer.. he goes back to the same Map in Afghanistan to save Miller?

Yup, just a different location within that map though, like Ground Zeroes, except Afghanistan looks to be about 70 times bigger. I just hope theres a decent amount of indoor environments to sneak around in.
Just listened to the full soundtrack, it's not terrible at all :lol it's nothing remarkable but it's not terrible.

Some tracks are really good, Like Caution, Escape and some others, the main theme though gets pretty ****ing old after 3 seconds :lol Like Solidus said, FAAART fart fart fart :lol

I knew it couldn't be that bad since I loved the eerie background music when you were sneaking around in GZ, it took me back to MGS1 times.

And about the awful bass, that could be due to the poor extraction quality since it hasn't been officially released.

I downloaded a lossless rip from the game months ago and it seems that the original files aren't that of high quality to begin with. I've mentioned before that the PS3 version of the game features incredibly low audio bitrate and dynamic range, I'm hoping it isn't the same for the PS4 versions.


Yeah, it's good gaming music, all things considered. It's just very subpar when compared to the exquisite tracks from the rest of the series. But, I think you're right about the bass. I was so disappointed that there was so many nuanced sounds that were muffled out by this booming bass in the "Escape" track. I definitely hope that there's an official release for the OST so we can hear it better quality.

Good lord... Ryan's turning me into an audiophile :monkey4.

The muffled base can be attributed to the mixing process, which is done by preference by the composer in this case. Since all the music for GZ was composed with drums and synths, it all depends on what they were trying to achieve.

As an avid audiophile please excuse and bear with me on this,

I'm guessing that Forssel engineered his audio to emphasize a certain portion of the frequency spectrum to achieve that "catch em when they're fresh" sound. The idea is to quickly impress the listener with that extra zing, hence why the main motif (or fart sounds as Solidus gracefully calls it) sounds exaggerated, smeared and confused.

After prolonged listening to his score (which I did), you'll quickly notice that the music is brash and hard. The latent rich, harmonic overtones that should sound warm, airy and reverberant becomes thin, dry, edgy and harsh. The dynamic range of the music become muted, since loud passages now sound distorted, out of control and congested. The end result? Solidus already mentioned it above, and it's called "Listener Fatigue".

Now by no means that Forssel is a terrible composer. He may be an irritating guy to watch (i.e, all the Kojima Station episodes) but I think he's just doing what he think is cool and he genuinely means well. It's just his musical style, approach, and of course the end product itself seems so out of place and underwhelming for a series that raised the bar when it comes to videogame music.
Awesome post Pliskin :clap :goodpost:

Well, I meant thematically speaking the soundtrack has a few tracks that hit many right notes and have intriguing melodies, but it's just 2 or 3 songs out of the entire OST, I can't quite give opinion on the quality of sound given I didn't listen to any quality version.

"Catch them when they're fresh" :lol it's the 1st time I hear that.

Where did you get your rip? I listened to a very poor rip on youtube and I couldn't find anything that was actually lossless, I need to give it a good listen to the best version so I can form a better opinion.

And about the dynamic range in the PS3 version, it seemed to be up to standards to me.

And when it comes to music (not audio), MGS music has rarely been a thing of technical marvel, the only 2 scores that I regard in a higher esteem in that department are MGS1 and PW, and MGS4 comes also close but it's really nothing special, MGS2, MGS3 and PO while having catchy tunes, they're really meh when it comes to sound.
I downloaded a lossless rip from the game months ago and it seems that the original files aren't that of high quality to begin with. I've mentioned before that the PS3 version of the game features incredibly low audio bitrate and dynamic range, I'm hoping it isn't the same for the PS4 versions.

I remember you mentioned about the low bitrates from Ground Zeroes. That said, it's just strange how MGS 4 (a game that was released six years ago) had better sound quality - considering all of the funding that has been poured into Ground Zero's development.

The muffled base can be attributed to the mixing process, which is done by preference by the composer in this case. Since all the music for GZ was composed with drums and synths, it all depends on what they were trying to achieve.

As an avid audiophile please excuse and bear with me on this,

I'm guessing that Forssel engineered his audio to emphasize a certain portion of the frequency spectrum to achieve that "catch em when they're fresh" sound. The idea is to quickly impress the listener with that extra zing, hence why the main motif (or fart sounds as Solidus gracefully calls it) sounds exaggerated, smeared and confused.

After prolonged listening to his score (which I did), you'll quickly notice that the music is brash and hard. The latent rich, harmonic overtones that should sound warm, airy and reverberant becomes thin, dry, edgy and harsh. The dynamic range of the music become muted, since loud passages now sound distorted, out of control and congested. The end result? Solidus already mentioned it above, and it's called "Listener Fatigue".

Now by no means that Forssel is a terrible composer. He may be an irritating guy to watch (i.e, all the Kojima Station episodes) but I think he's just doing what he think is cool and he genuinely means well. It's just his musical style, approach, and of course the end product itself seems so out of place and underwhelming for a series that raised the bar when it comes to videogame music.

Great explanation, Ryan :duff.

Also, I can certainly understand if the music direction for Ground Zeroes had to be more raw, and bombastic - when considering the gritty nature of the overall game. However, the music was severely lacking in the eloquence, that I've grown so accustomed to from Harry Gregson-Williams and the original Konami composers. After all, this is freakin' Metal Gear Solid - a series that is renowned for excellent soundtracks. On that note, Ground Zeroes had failed to meet the mark of its predecessors.

And yeah, Forsell overdid it with regurgitating the motif. I watched a small portion of the Kojima Station link that you posted up, and oh man - Forsell acted like he invented sliced bread with his generic sounding motif. I seriously have to wonder if they just pulled this guy randomly off the street. Everything about him seems exceedingly unprofessional.
I hate to say it, but the GZ motif reminded me a lot to BF3's motif :lol yyyuck!

Despite the motif, the BT3 main theme was better designed and composed and the melody was more memorable.

I see potential in the guy who composed GZ's OST in matter of themes and like I said, I didn't expect much from GZ, but my expectations are still high for TPP.

In-game music so far I have no complaints.
They should have gotten Jamie Christopherson, composer of MGR to do MGSV. I know the vocal tracks tend to overshadow his compositions, but listen to one of his tracks you can instantly tell it's highly imaginative, layered, well balanced with great stereo separation. Oh, and it's pleasing to hear as well. :lol

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I hate to say it, but the GZ motif reminded me a lot to BF3's motif :lol yyyuck!

Despite the motif, the BT3 main theme was better designed and composed and the melody was more memorable.

I see potential in the guy who composed GZ's OST in matter of themes and like I said, I didn't expect much from GZ, but my expectations are still high for TPP.

In-game music so far I have no complaints.

Where can I hear that?
Alright, well I finally had the time to watch the E3 demo. I'm glad that cardboard boxes are back, with the addition of other silly things like fultoning sheep (glad he wasn't eaten :lol). Also, building Mother Base looks fun. I wonder if there's any sort of online feature, where we can visit other players' bases as well.

I read back to the posts that I missed yesterday morning, and I agree with Ryan, that this does not appear to be Big Boss. His aloof mannerisms around Ocelot are very strange, and not what you'd expect from two characters who have a history together. He also seemed to be cold and distant upon hearing the news of Kaz's capture from Ocelot. It's as if he needed justifications for rescuing his best friend.

I'm not sure if this is simply a personality-change, or if whether he's some sort of Big Boss doppelganger. I know that it has been theorized that it's possibly Gray Fox. It would be a strange way to introduce him, though.

In any case, here's an English version of the E3 demo that was posted several hours ago:

Alright, well I finally had the time to watch the E3 demo. I'm glad that cardboard boxes are back, with the addition of other silly things like fultoning sheep (glad he wasn't eaten :lol). Also, building Mother Base looks fun. I wonder if there's any sort of online feature, where we can visit other players' bases as well.

I read back to the posts that I missed yesterday morning, and I agree with Ryan, that this does not appear to be Big Boss. His aloof mannerisms around Ocelot are very strange, and not what you'd expect from two characters who have a history together. He also seemed to be cold and distant upon hearing the news of Kaz's capture from Ocelot. It's as if he needed justifications for rescuing his best friend.

I'm not sure if this is simply a personality-change, or if whether he's some sort of Big Boss doppelganger. I know that it has been theorized that it's possibly Gray Fox. It would be a strange way to introduce him, though.

For all I care that theory might be completely wrong and laughable when the games comes out, but you can't deny from a writer's perspective that's kind of a neat twist. Plus you could commit all sorts of atrocities as Fake Boss, further strengthening the eventual theme of "hate" and "revenge" while keeping the real Big Boss out of the picture until some point in the game, or maybe you'll go after Big Boss himself. Yes, it's totally out there, but have a little fun.

What else do you think about the gameplay?