Called it some time ago. The only way i could play GZ with some excitement is that "Snake" might not really Snake at all. It's way too big of a personality change to just have him so reserved.
Also, why have two codenames? Punished and Venom Snake. It doesn't make sense to have Big Boss be called "Venom" Snake when the 2 marketing of this game has already established him as "Punished" Snake.
In case any of you didn't know, you never played as Snake in the tanker in MGS2. That was Raiden.
I always thought that was a misinterpretation, you are taking something symbolic (Raiden is the player) and you are using it as an actual part of the canon, Raiden just represents the player thats why the Colonel says "this is your first infiltration mission" if you didn't play the Tanker, thats because its trully the player's first time, plus..
If you throw the russians to the sea the cypher will take pictures of that and it will be shown later in the story
So that mission was real, the Tanker Incident happened, and we got to play as Snake. This is just my opinion though
btw (the flashback of Snake using the famas is not proof that it was VR, the game doesn't need to have a deep explanation for every little thing imho and using different images for a flashback is not uncommon)
It was and it wasn't. I mean you were playing as Snake during it, but at the same time Raiden was supposed to be the avatar of the "Player" so in turn we played as Snake during The Tanker, but it was Raiden doing the VR mission parallel to Snake doing his mission.
MGS2 is convoluted slightly and can be a little perplexing to a person who has never played it before. But after digesting the game for over a decade, it's definitely the "smartest" MGS.

And that is EXACTLY what I mean
Its sad that he tried to leave a similar message for MGS1 but it was way too subtle... and most people didn't get it, Snake in MGS1 had the same ending Raiden had in MGS2
MGS 2 was a game that was completely lost to me when I first played it, and it took another decade for me to appreciate it for what it was. But, I find it truly amazing that I still haven't fully delved into everything as yet.
Even today people hate it because they don't get it

damn I feel bad about kojima, the game was WAY too ahead of its time
BTW IMHO the guy who made the "MGS2 Critical-Close up" took half the things he said he from other people that actually made a GREAT analysis, and overall I think he didn't make the best critical close up of the game, its like he played the game ONCE and simply started reading a lot of stuff about the game... (he doesn't even know the bandana is in MGS2 too) at least he gives links to the good stuff
This is good stuff
This one made a real FORMAL analysis of the game
This one made a complete breakdown of the game and every major aspect related to the game
Those guys did a great job