Super Freak
Well, what I mean is, that Peace Walker was the most kid-friendly MGS game, immediately followed by a sequel which was the most R-rated game in the series history. To me, that doesn't flow naturally at all.
As for MGS 4, I had the impression that it was trying too hard to string-together events of MGS 3, with Big Mamma's revelations. But, then KojiPro (Ryan Payton, or whoever else) decided to completely exclude Ocelot's "special powers" and Liquid's spirit, in place of drug-induced schizophrenia.
Tone-wise that's true, but story-wise it continues more than naturally, the story is very cohesive chronologically speaking.
Tone-wise PW is a bigger discrepancy in the series, that's true.
I was thinking the other day though, singing robots aren't really that much different from REX and RAY roaring like if they were animals.... Plus, rays don't roar

Well, MGS4 needed to string MGS3 and MGS4 together, that's true, if it didn't, probably most fans wouldn't have remembered key parts of the story, and it's already the game that's most accused of being convoluted.