I saw it a few days ago, comments on youtube are saying that having reflex mode can't be considered a record speed run... People are quite serious on this speed run business
Anyway, I started playing mgs3 again today and just remember that Zero was 55 in MGS3 (1964) so in GZ, TPP and MGS4 he's 66, 75 and 105 respectively. Do you think he's still in control of every scheme that concerns BB in TPP? Or has he lost faith and put everything on AI as described by Eva in mgs4.
Ground Zeroes players are an odd bunch. Ryan told me last month about this one guy who stayed up for 24 hours, driving the jeep around on two wheels, just to get featured on Kojima Station. I guess someone would have to be of a particular mindset to enjoy playing this two hour game on a regular basis
I really don't know what's going on with Zero, to be honest. The little hints about Skull Face would have me thinking that The Patriots were having some sort of internal conflict during the 80s. But, from what we do know from MGS 4, Zero never intended for AIs to take control of the world, like they did through the satellites. I think his political power eventually weakened, and something happened along the way for the AI satellites to take control over human population.
Called the potential performance issues some time ago, we're all hoping they get fixed by release:
The strange effects on the grass?
Or the complete lack of effects/texture/lighting/physics on the grass?
Anyone played MGS3 HD recently?, Dat grass..
And it's embedded to the ground too, it's like magic!
I actually still need to play MGS 3 HD since I got my fill of playing it on 3DSand am still working on Extreme...damn The Pain being too resilient and doing things non-lethal. Kind of also wanted to do MGS 3 HD as semi-blind too for my channel
Reiterating what he felt about Ground Zeroes while plying MGR on Revengeance mode, this commentary by SuperBunnyHop is very interesting.