Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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thank you for your support Solidus :hi5:

Hey, don't get on your high horse, Henry's not alone in that :thwak. I wonder how you guys copulate online during your gif spams... then again, I don't want to know :yuck.
Anyway, the more I think about it, D.D absolutely has to be a foreshadowing for Sniper Wolf. A real life wolf follows Big Boss around, just like how a woman (who believed she was a wolf) swore allegiance to Big Boss.
Anyway, the more I think about it, D.D absolutely has to be a foreshadowing for Sniper Wolf. A real life wolf follows Big Boss around, just like how a woman (who believed she was a wolf) swore allegiance to Big Boss.

One of my big wishes is to see young Sniper Wolf in this game, that would mean the story of this game is quite long... I'd be disappointed if the story of this game last less than 3 years

Nah, me and Plis don't have any holes in our box. We like to keep things hot, sweaty and private.

yeah you do

Henry's a futanari....

Good thing it's coming out on PC, as I'll probably get a PS4 at a much later date.

The one thing I'm missing from my current PC build is a SSD drive. Performances will vary depending on the brand, but I've read that SSD drives do alleviate load times, and in some cases you'll be able to save and load games twice as fast than a regular SATA drive. I've never thought about using one for a PS3, but that sounds pretty cool.

They're very expensive though, and a 1TB SSD will set you back around $500. Are you sure you want that? :lol I do plan on picking up a 128 GB one later on, as they're usually on sale for $70-ish.

Whaa? What about our online commitments? I wanna play MGSV's multiplayer with people I know!

Anyway, SSDs could also shave off some late frames, depending on the game.
Hey, don't get on your high horse, Henry's not alone in that :thwak. I wonder how you guys copulate online during your gif spams... then again, I don't want to know :yuck.
:slap why do you do this to me. Sometimes you get me, othertimes you just slap me in the face! And we didn't even bust out the Friends gifs...


Oh no.. they are onto me
Damn right we are :lecture


Oh c'mon Solidus, I heard your carboard box as a hole in the front and another in the back too.

We all know thats true

Oh it is


Nah, me and Plis don't have any holes in our box. We like to keep things hot, sweaty and private.
I wonder if they had to reduce Big Boss' lines to accommodate Kiefer's schedule.
:lol PT ghost in MGSV :lol

New Hayter interview

Such a cool guy, the interviewer is a bit intrusive, not Greg Miller level intrusive, but c'mon, let the guy talk.

I think Hugh Jackman can make a better Solid Snake than he can make a Wolverine.

But if the movie's ever made, I'd rather get an unknown guy.
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It's interesting that Hayter mentioned about there being vindictive people over at Konami. I read that he had some creative differences with Kojima about Snake's "death" (or lack thereof) in MGS 4. But, I wouldn't like to think that Kojima's so petty to fire Hayter because of that...

In any case, I don't think anyone would complain about Hugh Jackman as Snake. He would have been perfect for the role. And I'd rather have him than a no-name actor any day.
Not a problem. Slap some BB cream on his face and he'll look young again.