For some reason, I don' think it's a release date... could be wrong. But, I wonder if it's a beta for MGO. I remember the last MGO beta was released a few months prior to MGS 4's release.
I hope it's refunds on all of the purchased PS3 copies of Ground Zeroes.
Damn we got major trolled again. No release date. the big reveal was this:
Thats right... a chicken hat. Its what you get if you die a lot. If you get caught wearing this, you get free pass for few times..
Also Paz VA made an announcement that shes recording lines. I assume shell appear in flash backs
PS3 owners got ripped off, if only I knew it was that bad..![]()
Someone on the comments pointed out that it's not Hayter, it's the voice of Raiden used in the Jamais Vu mission.
I've only ever played the PS3 and 360 versions of Ground Zeroes. I thought it was fine visually and gameply-wise. Then again, I never got to play or see the PS4/XB1/PC versions in person.