Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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For some reason, I don' think it's a release date... could be wrong. But, I wonder if it's a beta for MGO. I remember the last MGO beta was released a few months prior to MGS 4's release.
I find when I expect KojiPro is gonna do something, I'm wrong. And IF the date is revealed, it's not gonna be that rumoured February date. Is like more figure reveals
I hope the announcement will be about a Terminator crossover! I can already imagine it :drool





So they're finally reveling an Ocelot Play Arts Kai! (unfortunately its not MGS2/1 ocelot, but hope for the future!)

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Damn we got major trolled again. No release date. the big reveal was this:




Thats right... a chicken hat. Its what you get if you die a lot. If you get caught wearing this, you get free pass for few times..

Also Paz VA made an announcement that shes recording lines. I assume shell appear in flash backs
Damn we got major trolled again. No release date. the big reveal was this:




Thats right... a chicken hat. Its what you get if you die a lot. If you get caught wearing this, you get free pass for few times..

Also Paz VA made an announcement that shes recording lines. I assume shell appear in flash backs

Ayy lmao

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I don't know what to think :lol. David has confirmed several times that Konami never offered him a role for MGS V, and he's not involved with the game in any way. He also pleaded with fans to stop asking him. But, I dunno....

If Ryan's right about Big Boss being a "fake" in TPP, then maybe we'll see David again :dunno.


PS3 owners got ripped off, if only I knew it was that bad.. :(

No kidding, the PS3 version of GZ should have never existed :slap. I couldn't believe how bad it was until I played it for myself again on PC. 60 fps makes a world of difference, and everything feels so much more responsive.
Y'know what, I can live with David not being in MGSV at all so long as the transition from PW Snake > GZ Snake > Punished Snake > Venom Snake is handled more believably within the fiction of the narrative. To me at least, he doesn't exhibits the traits and mannerisms we came to know of the character. Heck, I think realistically that is indeed none other than BB himself, it's just that I kinda wished Kojima would harken back to his style of writing in MGS1/2 and I would love such a crazy twist. :lol

I'd also seriously like to know how BB got the position of FOXHOUND commander when MGSV clearly depicts him opposing the US/Zero.
I've only ever played the PS3 and 360 versions of Ground Zeroes. I thought it was fine visually and gameply-wise. Then again, I never got to play or see the PS4/XB1/PC versions in person.
Someone on the comments pointed out that it's not Hayter, it's the voice of Raiden used in the Jamais Vu mission.

It does seem like it, yeah. No way is Kojima that naive to think people won't hack the code of the game.

I've only ever played the PS3 and 360 versions of Ground Zeroes. I thought it was fine visually and gameply-wise. Then again, I never got to play or see the PS4/XB1/PC versions in person.

Konami should have scrapped the last gen version if it was running as smooth as a Powepoint slideshow with object pop-outs every two feet. :slap
It doesn't really sound anything like Raiden to me. I think maybe it was just some place holder stuff they used in the game for a while during development. I don't really see why you would have those in the game if you can't hear them unless you hack the code. That kinda confirms no David Hayter to me.
I don't think I'll ever get used to Kief Boss. I replayed GZ a few nights ago, and hearing Kiefer's voice was as awkward as it was the first time I heard it.
Positive of Keifer is at least it's obviously a different character now. Only time will tell if they bring Hayter back as Solid.

On the sound clips, that's clearly Raidens voice from the Jamais Vu mission without the filter.