Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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If this ends Big Boss's run completely, I'll take back everything I've ever said on Kojima if Snake comes back full steam. At this point, Snake deserves to have the spotlight for a good 5-10 years.
Sweet, it'd be pretty cool if they could take models from previous games and splice it in

That'd be great. What I'm also hoping for, is for Hayter to redo the entire script :lol.

I've made an honest effort, but I just can't get accustomed to Kiefer's voice, no matter how many time I've played GZ.
Some of his lines aren't too bad. But, Kiefer really isn't cut out to be a quality voice actor :lol. In my opinion, his performance overall was forced. It's a bit hard to describe. He just doesn't have the "heart", that David Hayter would put into his work.
Plus, we have so much history with Hayter that we expect a high level of acting behind it. Hayter really tries, but the beauty of it was, he made it seem like he didn't.
And he's a fan of the series, just like the rest of us. You can't really say that about a lot of other voice actors, who just show up to do their lines and get paid. The man has a lot of passion for what he does.
Yeah definitely. I've never seen another VA that committed to a singular series, and be so gracious and humble to fans. I can't wait for that Figma Snake to come out :drool
Aww yeah :drool. Let's hope MGS 1 Snake is in the pipeline, too. In fact, I wouldn't mind an entire line of MGS Figmas. I have a few, and I sure as heck prefer them to PAKs, despite the smaller scale.
A lot of love goes into Figmas, and their newer figures have a more consistent paint app. Figma is doing a lot of characters from Berserk, so this could be the start of a big line up of MGS. They're doing a Gurlukovich soldier aren't they?