I'd really like to know what's so different about Lucas and Kojima at this point in time

. They've both created and finished their series, and went a head to make prequels to reintroduce their franchises to younger generations (which is exactly what Peace Walker and MGS V have aimed to do). Furthermore, Luke Skywalker is akin to Solid Snake, in the sense that they were both main characters, until they were replaced by their respective father figures in the prequels.
Their similarities are striking - granted, that Kojima has done everything in a much shorter time span than Lucas. Star Wars has also continued without Lucas, and that's exactly where the legacy of MGS will be headed without Kojima

But, for now, I'd just like to know what will end with MGS and what will begin with the series when Kojima's not around anymore. Konami could continue with a future storyline like Rising, that doesn't involve either Snake or Big Boss. I don't think Kojima would like either of them being handled by another director. So, when (or should I say if?) he leaves, it seems likely that both Solid Snake and Big Boss will probably be retired with him.