Not the type of action I was referring to...

Yeah, I was about to say, no lossless audio is a real... erm, loss for this. Can't expect better sound quality than MGS 4's.
I remember when Kojima said that TPP was 200 times larger than GZ. I wonder if that still holds true.
"Desert Warfare Simulator."
Watch as the GB size is a ploy by Kojima
MGS4 sounded 1000x better than GZ, and that's a scientific fact, thanks to Skywalker Sound. I wonder what happened to Kojima's philosophy. Every MGS game tried to push the boundaries of pure, unadulterated audio bliss. GZ was poorly mixed, lifeless and flat. Might as well play it with TV speakers.
It's only funny until Sept 1. I dread this game be a vista of nothingness.
It's not the size, it's how you use it.