No, problem with questions, man! The reason I didn't buy Bloodbourne is simply because it didn't fit my budget. I want to get rid a lot off my stuff, so I decided to make a pact that the only way I can spend my money on entertainment for myself is by selling my collection (Although, I can't believe I did that for Age of Ultron. Urgh..I think that's the worst superhero movie I've ever seen in my life

). I love video games and figures, but I want to invest my money in other things (I think I get more joy looking at everyone's amazing collections here than owning my own figures

). I have played Arkham Knight, but I only got it because it was a cheap rental. I really only care about Batman if Bruce Wayne is involved, which is why I like the Bruce Timm DC animated universe and Nolan movies the best, but since the Arkham games are more about "Kick-butt Batman," I'm not that interested in him. I had a great time with Arkham Knight, but it's just not a story that I want to get back into. The gameplay is good enough to buy it, but I'm fine with Arkham Aslyum/City since the gameplay is not much different. That's why I've been content with just Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, but maybe I'll play Bloodbourne (and Dark Souls II) in the future! I haven't really seen anything about it, but I'm sure it's awesome!
Oh, and that means I also didn't buy Ground Zeroes in case you were wondering. I heard the press coverage about it's short length, so I decided to just rent it. I should have bought it since I rented it so much! I'm buying MGSV day one of course. Like I said before, I'd trade every single future superhero movie and video game, just to play it. I love Big Boss so much, so I have to see his story through!
Now I'm the one that needs to apologize! Sorry I always write so much! It's just I don't know anyone personally that likes any of this type of stuff, so I'm so excited to talk about it when I get a chance. Oh, and by the way, I saw the reviews for the FF movie. I'm sorry about that man, I know you were really looking forward to it. It's only a few reviews, so it could still be good!