Just finished Motherbase tutorial...
As everybody has said, the prolog is magnificent, glorious, I want Kojima to make a movie, period.
1st mission was tons of fun, got an A on prolog and 1st mission, maybe cause I was too slow admiring everything and soaking in the atmosphere
Graphics are pretty good, not mindblowing but they're just good looking, tasteful, it feels fresh and comfy after the Unreal Engine madness that is Arkham Knight, but yeah, detail-wise Arkham Knight takes it, not sure it's a good thing due to all the over-design, but to Caesar what is Caesar's. Aesthetics-wise though, MGSV wins, thanks to Kojima's direction.
Music is just too good, it's MGS with an 80's flavor, it sets the mood very effectively and it's opportune, I have to say though, sound design could be my only minor complaint, doesn't seem to be as precise, but it could be misleading since I was listening to tapes most of the time, will have to play more.
Gameplay-wise it's probably the slickest MGS to date, GZ for me it was a tad below MGS4 but TPP is just too natural and feels so right, I wonder if I can do armed CQC like in MGS4, will experiment on that.
Since I couldn't speak Russian yet, I listened to the tapes while I was capturing an outpost (awesome feature btw), and, while sneaking around listening to Ocelot's briefing and world affairs, faux politics etc etc I couldn't help but to feel right at home + the music and everything else, just after an hour cutscene (because really, the prolog is a cutscene), so yeah, Higgins, sorry but you weren't right

the feeling of "this doesn't feel as MGS as usual" didn't even come close to me, but the total opposite, this has to be the slickest MGS to date with a strong yet refined MGS flavor, not the best (too soon to tell, although I doubt it'll surpass MGS1), but very slick indeed.
I have to say I feel like I was given a blank canvas for me to do whatever I want, I can't see myself getting bored of what I was teased with, I can't wait to explore more, find more tapes, do more missions, side-ops or main-ops just the same, build up mother base, but judging from what I've read here, I expect to be completely disappointed and bored out of my mind, I have no idea how this will manage to be more repetitive than Arkham Knight, not to say that's bad, all games are repetitive to some degree, but AK has to be one of the most repetitive games this generation, and apparently MGSV is worse, so we'll see.