You need to keep dying a few times to get it, and I accidentally selected to use it once but I restarted to get rid of it.
Has anyone successfully uploaded their GZ data to this thing? It keeps telling me I don't have it, when I pretty much have a 100% save file... do I need to go into GZ and do something first? You get a Solid Snake skin when you do apparently. I already unlocked the Gray Fox skin, with Snake's face.
Has anyone successfully uploaded their GZ data to this thing? It keeps telling me I don't have it, when I pretty much have a 100% save file... do I need to go into GZ and do something first? You get a Solid Snake skin when you do apparently. I already unlocked the Gray Fox skin, with Snake's face.
the Challenge Missions are Frustrating as hell ! especially mission 43..
as i saw IGN's video regarding the game, they skipped the Challenge missions and even got the True Ending, so i'm skipping the rest of the challenge missions, not a fan of repeat in higher difficulties
I gotta stay off Reddit, there's idiots ranking the series like this.
Man, is this fanbase ****ing stupid.
Awesome, i didnt know cyborg ninja outfit was in the game. Just uploaded my ground zeroes save and it appeared
MGSV may be the first game to break my favourite cycle
I'm only on episode 14 but I'm highly enjoying it. It's the first game since 3 I could recommend to new comers
What! All I got was the MGS1 suit. What did I do wrong?
I gotta stay off Reddit, there's idiots ranking the series like this.
MGS2 -> (Rising) -> MGSV -> MGSPW -> MGS3 -> MG2 -> MGS4 -> MGS1 -> MG1
Left(best) to Right(worst)
MGSV -> MGS3 -> MGS PW -> MGS4 -> MGS2 -> MGS1/MG2:SS (should combine them really, seeing as they are practically the same game only rendered in 2d and 3d) -> MGS PO -> MG1
MGS3 -> MGS2 -> MGS PW -> MGS1/MGS4 (equal foot for me) -> MGS PO -> MGSV -> MG2:SS -> MG1
Man, is this fanbase ****ing stupid.
The rising ranking is utterly hilarious. The game was a gimmicky cash grab at a shot to play as Raiden. Its not a part of the main series and nor is it canon.
I laughed and shook my head, the plot I can't write home,
I searched this foreign land, for days and days I foamed,
I gazed the barren land, at all the millions stuff
that has been taken out, a long long time ago,
Who knows? not me
Kojima lost control,
You're face to face
With the Man who Trolled the World.
The only thing I agree with is controls, compared to other games for the time, and some cutscenes that I felt didn't add anything, but there were maybe three, and they had Meryl in them I think. The dialogue as a whole was never bad per se. Bossfights being bad, eh, kinda. Length is irrelevant because many PS1 games, and even N64 games, were pretty short, hell, MGS1 was considerably longer than them. Backtracking...maybe? I think it is a bad worse than MGS2, but I only had an issue with the sniper rifle, and getting back to the Sniper Wolf area, nothing else was bad.After completing V, it comes in dead last in the main series.
But for the whole series... MGS1/MGS2/MGS3/MGS4=MGR/MPO/MG2/MG1/PW/MGSV
This guy must be smoking crack.
The reason I ranked MGS1 so low is
1.) it had clunky controls even back then
2.) like 60% of the game was MG2
3.) the dialogue was god awful because it was literally filled with nothing. You could take any cutscene and trim it down to ~4 lines and nothing would be lost. It didnt even serve for character development or anything.
4.) Forced shooting sections
5.) insane amount of unneccesary backtracking
6.) mostly awful bossfights (everything but Psycho Mantis and Vulcan Raven, really)
7) its insanely short
I mean, it did some things insanely well and it was the groundwork, but rating a game highly because of that is stupid.
Ain't it the truth. **** this fanbase sometimes, seriously.Man, is this fanbase ****ing stupid.