great one RyanThe only thing I agree with is controls, compared to other games for the time, and some cutscenes that I felt didn't add anything, but there were maybe three, and they had Meryl in them I think. The dialogue as a whole was never bad per se. Bossfights being bad? Length is irrelevant because many PS1 games, and even N64 games, were pretty short, hell, MGS1 was considerably longer than them. Backtracking...maybe? I think it is a bad worse than MGS2, but I only had an issue with the sniper rifle, and getting back to the Sniper Wolf area, nothing else was bad. Ain't it the truth. **** this fanbase sometimes, seriously.
My final time on MGS1 the very first time was easily 10+ hours I think. You need to think of it in the context of the era it came out... the game is a good 2-3 hours w/o cutscenes/codec and that's pretty much the norm for games back then.