Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Ain't that the truth, but then again it's Rockstar, they aren't micromanaging and trying to save money by skimping out on the talent. I still can't believe Hayter had to take a cut in pay for TTS.

What it comes down to, Naked Snake should of never been started and continued with Hayter. It's far too late for it.

You would've thought Kojima and Konami would've learned their damn lessons after the backlash MGS2 received for Raiden, all because some school girl said she had no interest in games with old men. ****in' A :cuckoo:

Japanese companies just do whatever the hell they want. "It'd be impossible to remake FF7." "We'll remake RE2 if the fans demand it." Too much smelling of their own farts over there, I reckon, because "fans" to them equate to insignificant school girls, apparently :lol
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

What it comes down to, Naked Snake should of never been started and continued with Hayter. It's far too late for it.

If this was done in 3 it wouldn't have been a problem but that fact that it wasn't makes me feel like this defining a difference between characters excuse is BS
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

You would've thought Kojima and Konami would've learned their damn lessons after the backlash MGS2 received for Raiden, all because some school girl said she had no interest in games with old men. ****in' A :cuckoo:

Japanese companies just do whatever the hell they want. "It'd be impossible to remake FF7." "We'll remake RE2 if the fans demand it." Too much smelling of their own farts over there, I reckon, because "fans" to them equate to insignificant school girls, apparently :lol

You hit it on the head, fan demand doesn't mean jack **** over there. They are an elitist bunch that doesn't care what the fans say or think because they know we will still buy whatever they put out.

Resident Evil 2 remake has been **** teased for the better part of a decade with nothing moving forward and the fans on a daily basis cry for it to be made.

Final Fantasy VII... where do I even start?
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

If this was done in 3 it wouldn't have been a problem but that fact that it wasn't makes me feel like this defining a difference between characters excuse is BS

Exactly right, he was introduced as Hayter. Hayter is the guy, the end.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Perhaps the reason for why they went with Kiefer (aside from the celebrity status) is because he's a more established actor. He'll be doing face capture for the Snake model as well as voice.


Big Boss is looking badass there! :clap
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

So we're turning this into a Japanese game studios hate-on?

Switching voice actors = don't give a ****? And no, comparing a V.O. switch in one company's game to the refusal to put tens of millions of dollars into a project is a false equivalency.

Sega can't make a new Shenmue like the older ones because it's not finanicially viable. Square Enix is in the same position with an FF7 remake (they even said it'd take too much time and resources than they have at the moment). The Japanese games industry is not as powerful as it used to be, so big risky projects are very dangerous to long-term survival, not to mention the fact that next-gen is only going to increase development costs.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

I think MGS4 and Peace Walker are great, but nowhere near the levels of MGS1,2,3. Somewhere along the line it was all Big Boss worship and some truly head scratching inclusion to the mythology. (singing robot A.I anyone?) Now Kojima decides again he knows what's best for us with MGSV and completely ignoring the fans.

Kinda seems like was the best Metal Gear game to come out in the last 5 years was Metal Gear... Rising?? At least that game was silly but it ran with it.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

So we're turning this into a Japanese game studios hate-on?

Switching voice actors = don't give a ****? And no, comparing a V.O. switch in one company's game to the refusal to put tens of millions of dollars into a project is a false equivalency.

Sega can't make a new Shenmue like the older ones because it's not finanicially viable. Square Enix is in the same position with an FF7 remake (they even said it'd take too much time and resources than they have at the moment). The Japanese games industry is not as powerful as it used to be, so big risky projects are very dangerous to long-term survival, not to mention the fact that next-gen is only going to increase development costs.

Which is why the big name companies have put out nothing but bull **** the last couple years.

90's era will be as good as it gets.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Just noticed he's wearing his tiger stripe BDU's. I wonder if they're implementing a combination of Snake Eater and Peace Walker stealth-wise?

Tiger Stripe BDU I see.

Yep. Tigers, and I spy the top of the PW shoulder guards, and those shoulder pads are from the old USGI LBV, like for example what HT Sara Connor came with. I like all the scars on his face, he looks like he should at this point in his life.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

So we're turning this into a Japanese game studios hate-on?

Switching voice actors = don't give a ****? And no, comparing a V.O. switch in one company's game to the refusal to put tens of millions of dollars into a project is a false equivalency.

Sega can't make a new Shenmue like the older ones because it's not finanicially viable. Square Enix is in the same position with an FF7 remake (they even said it'd take too much time and resources than they have at the moment). The Japanese games industry is not as powerful as it used to be, so big risky projects are very dangerous to long-term survival, not to mention the fact that next-gen is only going to increase development costs.

They're not exactly trying to revive interest either. Shenmue HD collections on 360 and PS3 would certainly help. The FF7 Compilation kind of ****ed out. Perhaps if they "listened to their fans?" Appealing to crowds that never gave two ****s about their IP's in the first place won't likely jump ship no matter how much they're catered to. They're more likely to just keep playing CoD. RE6 was solid proof of that. Alienate your fans, cater to CoD dudebros who only play CoD, lose money :slap
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Yep. Tigers, and I spy the top of the PW shoulder guards, and those shoulder pads are from the old USGI LBV, like for example what HT Sara Connor came with. I like all the scars on his face, he looks like he should at this point in his life.

But why is he all smooth in MGS4?
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

They're not exactly trying to revive interest either. Shenmue HD collections on 360 and PS3 would certainly help. The FF7 Compilation kind of ****ed out. Perhaps if they "listened to their fans?" Appealing to crowds that never gave two ****s about their IP's in the first place won't likely jump ship no matter how much they're catered to. They're more likely to just keep playing CoD. RE6 was solid proof of that. Alienate your fans, cater to CoD dudebros who only play CoD, lose money :slap


COD players are such a great example when you want to point out the typical mindless gamer, it works in so many arguments.

And you're right about that, Compilation petered out very fast.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Which is why the big name companies have put out nothing but bull **** the last couple years.

90's era will be as good as it gets.

There has been good and bad, let's not get hyperbolic.

They're not exactly trying to revive interest either. Shenmue HD collections on 360 and PS3 would certainly help. The FF7 Compilation kind of ****ed out. Perhaps if they "listened to their fans?" Appealing to crowds that never gave two ****s about their IP's in the first place won't likely jump ship no matter how much they're catered to. They're more likely to just keep playing CoD. RE6 was solid proof of that. Alienate your fans, cater to CoD dudebros who only play CoD, lose money :slap

The simple truth is that companies aren't beholden to the every whim of their fans. The FF7 Compilation produced 2 movies and 3 games, some good and some bad -- there were no promises of an FF7 remake.

RE6 was one example of Capcom trying to please everybody and failing. Is not an indicator of anything else. Speaking of RE, it makes me laugh when crazy fans keep opining for an RE2 remake when none of the original creators are left at Capcom to actually work on it. It's not gonna happen, and it shouldn't happen, not with Capcom being the way it is.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

I can't believe the word "p o o p" is censored. What's the world coming to?! :toilet_cl
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

There has been good and bad, let's not get hyperbolic.

The simple truth is that companies aren't beholden to the every whim of their fans. The FF7 Compilation produced 2 movies and 3 games, some good and some bad -- there were no promises of an FF7 remake.

RE6 was one example of Capcom trying to please everybody and failing. Is not an indicator of anything else. Speaking of RE, it makes me laugh when crazy fans keep opening for an RE2 remake when none of the original creators are left at Capcom to actually work on it. It's not gonna happen, and it shouldn't happen, not with Capcom being the way it is.

You're right, no promises, only a **** ton of teases and implications of one. Also, those damned retcons!

It's true, Shinji Mikami had to return to direct the REmake. No way in hell he would return for anything now :lol
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

There has been good and bad, let's not get hyperbolic.

The simple truth is that companies aren't beholden to the every whim of their fans. The FF7 Compilation produced 2 movies and 3 games, some good and some bad -- there were no promises of an FF7 remake.

RE6 was one example of Capcom trying to please everybody and failing. Is not an indicator of anything else. Speaking of RE, it makes me laugh when crazy fans keep opening for an RE2 remake when none of the original creators are left at Capcom to actually work on it. It's not gonna happen, and it shouldn't happen, not with Capcom being the way it is.

I don't look at RE6 trying to please anyone but the fanbase they developed since RE4. They could give a **** about the roots of the franchise at this point.

The only logical thing to do at this point and jump on the Shinji Mikami band wagon with The Evil Within.
Re: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

You're right, no promises, only a **** ton of teases and implications of one. Also, those damned retcons!

It's true, Shinji Mikami had to return to direct the REmake. No way in hell he would return for anything now :lol

Especially since he's developing something to topple the once great franchise.