Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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On the note of people justifying MGS V solely due to Kojima, there is one thing that continually pissed me off. The stupid arguments trying to justify Kojima replacing Hayter. "if Solid Snake is in the game, it wouldn't make sense for Hayter to voice both Solid Snake and Big Boss talking to each other! Who does that?"

It's like, do you even play anything outside of MGS? The fact that fans gave the boot to Hayter...that just makes me question them so much.
I know this probably got asked, and I'm not expecting personal bias reasons to disarm a game.

So here it is: I went to Target to take advantage of the buy 2 get 1 free promo. So I really wanted the new Tomb Raider, and Battlefront; since I already have Fallout 4. But I needed another game to pick. I was considering just getting 2 other games so I can get 2 copies of Battlefront and send one to my brother. But instead I got TR and MGS.

I've never played an MGS except for about 9 hours of the first one from '98. I had played 4 hours of MGS 4; but that was because I got it near launch for free. The MGS 1 is recent because I was trying to catch up for MGS V.

That said, what would you describe the gameplay to be more or less, and is it critical for me to know much to play? I played Witcher 3 without any knowledge of 1 or 2 and I still loved it.

I had assumed something like Tomb Raider mixed with Splinter Cell; the whole large world and you don't necessarily want to go Rambo on these guys. It really all is subjective to taste, but still unsure about this. Maybe I might just switch it for Until Dawn; haven't played a PS4 game in some time.
The gameplay is really good, but there are lots of grinding and repetitive missions and by a lot I do mean A LOT. It takes about 60-80 hours to beat the story mode. The gameplay is a lot like a fast paced Splinter Cell mixed with base micro management and takes place in a open world, albeit a pretty barren one.

Most fans where have issues with the story, the core gameplay itself is great.

You could keep up with most of what's going on in the story as there is actually quite little of it, but personally if you could, you might be better off playing the old games because they're the ones people are gonna be talking about till the end of time, not this. But keep in mind this is an opinion of a jaded fanboy. :lol
The gameplay is really good, but there are lots of grinding and repetitive missions and by a lot I do mean A LOT. It takes about 60-80 hours to beat the story mode. The gameplay is a lot like a fast paced Splinter Cell mixed with base micro management and takes place in a open world, albeit a pretty barren one.

Most fans where have issues with the story, the core gameplay itself is great.

You could keep up with most of what's going on in the story as there is actually quite little of it, but personally if you could, you might be better off playing the old games because they're the ones people are gonna be talking about till the end of time, not this. But keep in mind this is an opinion of a jaded fanboy. :lol

Hmm, that does seem like a turn off. To be fair a lot of games do that reptition aspect; but for 60-80 hours, that's bogus lol. I do like the idea of fast pace SC. Are the controls essentially similar to 4? I vaguely remember how it played.

Now I'm at crossroads again. :lol
--A buddy told me the exact same, fun and all but story is ****; but he does always put that disclaimer, "I'm a MGS fan" :lol

I agree with playing the old ones, but I feel like if I do so; I may dislike the series and could ruin it. I always say the same like the PT or OT of Star Wars, seeing the PT first made me appreciate the OT a lot more, but at least lets me tolerate the PT as well. :lol

I may just swap it out and get something else. :rotfl
Hmm, that does seem like a turn off. To be fair a lot of games do that reptition aspect; but for 60-80 hours, that's bogus lol. I do like the idea of fast pace SC. Are the controls essentially similar to 4? I vaguely remember how it played.

Now I'm at crossroads again. :lol
--A buddy told me the exact same, fun and all but story is ****; but he does always put that disclaimer, "I'm a MGS fan" :lol

I agree with playing the old ones, but I feel like if I do so; I may dislike the series and could ruin it. I always say the same like the PT or OT of Star Wars, seeing the PT first made me appreciate the OT a lot more, but at least lets me tolerate the PT as well. :lol

I may just swap it out and get something else. :rotfl

The controls are a refinement of MGS4, pretty much as fluid as any third person-stealth shooter there is, and the sneaking and gameplay are better than any SC to date. Enemies even adapt to your strategy, adopting say, helmets if you rely too much on headshots or they'll place mines on insertion points that you frequent.

There are also credits at the opening and closing of each mission just so you know who was the creator of this game. The story also makes no sense and nobody has any charm or personality, not even Snake who's pretty much a mute in this game, so just ignore what flies over your head.

It's a great game, even more so if you don't care much about what the flip is going on. Look at some gameplay videos, if you like those, then this game is for you. It might get a lot of hate here and everywhere else, but that's because it's a bad MGS game, not a bad videogame.

If you've never played a MGS before, you'll probably love it since you don't carry any baggage of the older games with you.


The events of this game are pretty self contained, and it's way too stupid for anyone to take it seriously. :lol
Finally broke down and stayed with the game. Overall it's fun, and some thing are quite annoying like the film credits. I can see how MGS fans aren't too fond of the game. Story doesn't fit. Can't put in words since I have a very minute amount of intelligence to the series.

I did have one question. How can I upgrade, or can I upgrade [?], my suppressor? I'm a little annoyed with recon because there is always like 15 guys hidden no matter how much Intel I gather, so I go guns blazing. But can't do much with my suppressor breaking 10 shots in.
I bought the game on Black Friday. It's...average. I think the gameplay is not what I expected, but the story seems as weak as everyone said.

Prologue was cool though.
Yes there's a lot of gun upgrades including suppressors later on. Agreed the story is meh and the game is repetitive but I still enjoy invading/defending fobs. I'm finding the high level defenses with snipers really tough though, does anyone have any tips? I'm using a custom AM MRS-71 Sniper rifle but there's so many guards that it's easy to get spotted from far away even in the sneaking suit.

Then that feeling when a defender appears......So tense! lol
There's gonna be a defender all right

but in this thread. Who will it be? :panic:
Finally broke down and stayed with the game. Overall it's fun, and some thing are quite annoying like the film credits. I can see how MGS fans aren't too fond of the game. Story doesn't fit. Can't put in words since I have a very minute amount of intelligence to the series.

I did have one question. How can I upgrade, or can I upgrade [?], my suppressor? I'm a little annoyed with recon because there is always like 15 guys hidden no matter how much Intel I gather, so I go guns blazing. But can't do much with my suppressor breaking 10 shots in.

You get more suppressor rounds on Grade 3 and 4(15 rounds).And 5 is unlimited.You also unlock a certain item on a side mission later in the game that give you unlimited ammo,that goes for the Suppressor as well.
I only have 15 missions left that I haven't S-ranked, so I guess I'll be pursuing the Platinum trophy after all.

I really dislike how you could get stuck on even the silliest things. I was making a dash to victory when I failed to scale a small rock. :mad:

Overall, I don't see myself going trough the entirety of the story mode after the Plat. It's just one of those games you really don't wanna touch ever again. :lol
That's sad to hear, I'm a huge fan of the series and just now picked up the game. Haven't started playing it yet because of other games I'm working on.
I only have 15 missions left that I haven't S-ranked, so I guess I'll be pursuing the Platinum trophy after all.

I really dislike how you could get stuck on even the silliest things. I was making a dash to victory when I failed to scale a small rock. :mad:

Overall, I don't see myself going trough the entirety of the story mode after the Plat. It's just one of those games you really don't wanna touch ever again. :lol
Yeah I'm noticing that the game has weird nuances like that. so weird.

And I'm totally seeing myself never touching this again after I'm done. I might go back to Arkham Knight for 100% , plat and just replayability.
I only have 15 missions left that I haven't S-ranked, so I guess I'll be pursuing the Platinum trophy after all.

I really dislike how you could get stuck on even the silliest things. I was making a dash to victory when I failed to scale a small rock. :mad:

Overall, I don't see myself going trough the entirety of the story mode after the Plat. It's just one of those games you really don't wanna touch ever again. :lol

Been weeks since I've put it in my PS4. The broken mechanic of not being able to scale a 6 inch rock drives me ****ing nuts.
On the note of people justifying MGS V solely due to Kojima, there is one thing that continually pissed me off. The stupid arguments trying to justify Kojima replacing Hayter. "if Solid Snake is in the game, it wouldn't make sense for Hayter to voice both Solid Snake and Big Boss talking to each other! Who does that?"

It's like, do you even play anything outside of MGS? The fact that fans gave the boot to Hayter...that just makes me question them so much.

I refuse to even hold this game as part of the Canon, I hold Kojima to a much higher standard so when he makes a mistake like this entire game I am much harsher in my criticising.
Been weeks since I've put it in my PS4. The broken mechanic of not being able to scale a 6 inch rock drives me ****ing nuts.

Rocks and foot-high elevations are just about a formidable obstacle as enemy bullets.

I refuse to even hold this game as part of the Canon, I hold Kojima to a much higher standard so when he makes a mistake like this entire game I am much harsher in my criticising.

On the other hand, I lost respect for him after all the lies. I genuinely sympathize that he doesn't have it in him to make a great MGS anymore, wanting nothing more than to leave the series, but please don't LIE about the game during marketing. Where are the taboo themes? The part that it's such a huge gamble that he might "leave the industry" if he fails? The part where Snake conveys his intentions trough facial expressions? Or the "ashamed of your deeds' or the "antithesis" of sexy women?

Blatant lies that got long time MGS fans thinking he has one more in him.
I refuse to even hold this game as part of the Canon, I hold Kojima to a much higher standard so when he makes a mistake like this entire game I am much harsher in my criticising.

You can say that about all the Snake Eater sequels. MPO was still the best of the three, though.

Rocks and foot-high elevations are just about a formidable obstacle as enemy bullets.

On the other hand, I lost respect for him after all the lies. I genuinely sympathize that he doesn't have it in him to make a great MGS anymore, wanting nothing more than to leave the series, but please don't LIE about the game during marketing. Where are the taboo themes? The part that it's such a huge gamble that he might "leave the industry" if he fails? The part where Snake conveys his intentions trough facial expressions? Or the "ashamed of your deeds' or the "antithesis" of sexy women?

Blatant lies that got long time MGS fans thinking he has one more in him.

I knew the game was a lie as early as when he didn't kill those kids.
Because Kojima's dudebro fans are ****ing IDIOTS. He knew they wouldn't care! He just built up the hype as much as he could, BSed as hard as he could...cause his fans are dumb as ****. None of them realize how much is wrong with this game. Personally, since he's gone, I don't give a damn. Weirdo he is...I feel bad for Konami though. For all the other crap they did, MGS V is not their fault. But the dudebros won't acknowledge it because they want to praise their lord and savior Kojima. You know honestly, I can think of other developers who did more for the could almost honestly pin some of the problems lately with games on Kojima's advances really

Among the games I've played this year - even including remasters - this is probably the biggest disappointment I've seen. Oh it's fine, but this is such a missed opportunity.