1/6 MMS152 - Superman: Superman Collectible Figure

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Obsessive, yeah - the clue's in the title I guess.

I find the response here very interesting - much of it is laced with indifference yet if such discrepancies were to surface on an Iron Man or a Terminator they would be addressed with outrage as a matter of course. To those of us who for once do not wish to customise (and don't see why we pay that much cash for a figure and have to), I could not in good conscience let the efforts of fellow fans go unnoticed, especially in the light of the fact they clearly improve the figure.
As far as mocking the 'scientific' aspect of the clearly bewildering concept of measurements to accompany graphics - I always kinda thought it was helpful, not to mention standard. Chris King's other stuff kind of speaks for itself so if being specific is what constitutes getting the @~!* taken 'round here then we might all be in trouble. Regardless, I'm not gonna post about it again 'till its in hand, but if you end up being dissapointed with the final fig (and I really hope you don't) It won't be because every attempt wasn't made...

It's not bewildering to use measurements, it's bewildering that you're obsessive enough to measure down to the damn centimeter what size the S should be on a Superman figure. It's a sign that someone needs to seek help and get some fresh air.

As far as the Iron Man and Terminator reference...I've never been anything but happy with my IM and T2 purchases, because I don't scrutinize everything down to the millimeter. I enjoy the figure for what it is...a figure of a character I enjoyed in a movie/comic. A very well-made one, albeit not perfect. Nothing will ever be perfect. If I sit and obsess over the little things that may be wrong with something, I'll never enjoy it. I choose to enjoy life, not pick apart its flaws.

And I also choose to ignore most Marvel threads and every Terminator thread, because they're populated by obsessive morons as well.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

It's not bewildering to use measurements, it's bewildering that you're obsessive enough to measure down to the damn centimeter what size the S should be on a Superman figure. It's a sign that someone needs to seek help and get some fresh air.

As far as the Iron Man and Terminator reference...I've never been anything but happy with my IM and T2 purchases, because I don't scrutinize everything down to the millimeter. I enjoy the figure for what it is...a figure of a character I enjoyed in a movie/comic. A very well-made one, albeit not perfect. Nothing will ever be perfect. If I sit and obsess over the little things that may be wrong with something, I'll never enjoy it. I choose to enjoy life, not pick apart its flaws.

And I also choose to ignore most Marvel threads and every Terminator thread, because they're populated by obsessive morons as well.

You enjoy your figures the way you enjoy them - good for you.

Everyone is different and to call someone a moron for being obsessive about accuracy is fairly moronic on your part :monkey1
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Pixletwin just got served, IMO.


You enjoy your figures the way you enjoy them - good for you.

Everyone is different and to call someone a moron for being obsessive about accuracy is fairly moronic on your part :monkey1

And if you didn't feel you were overly obsessive, you wouldn't have taken offense to it. :huh
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

But I am self admittedly over obbssessive so I do take offence to being called a moron!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

:lmao :lmao :lmao

The above should be an emoticon. :lecture
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

But I am self admittedly over obbssessive so I do take offence to being called a moron!

Erm yeah I'm gonna back you up there. I'm one of the obsessives in the Terminator threads, and like you self-admittedly so. So likewise from me - :pfft: to cr0w.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

If memory serves, HT themselves claimed that fan outrage caused them to include the Predator falcon with, er, Falconer. Probably a bad move on their part, since it just reinforced collectors' bad behavior.

What was it that happened? the type of behaviour on Facebook?...

Didn't we already have this conversation over a month ago? :dunno

Don't worry. It'll come up again many times before Christmas.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Erm yeah I'm gonna back you up there. I'm one of the obsessives in the Terminator threads, and like you self-admittedly so. So likewise from me - :pfft: to cr0w.


BTW any links to your terminator collection?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure


BTW any links to your terminator collection?

I have multitudes of pics of individual figures, some out-of-date groupshots, but no collection-wide shots or pics that document everything that I have at one time. You see instead of getting the room fitted out with shelving or buying detolfs I'm just buying more and more figures. I've nowhere to actually display them nicely and thus none of the types of pics I'd put in a Show Your Shelves thread. My obsessiveness doesn't centre on accuracy so much as having a ridiculous quantity of the same character placed in different movie-based scenarios/poses etc. I hope to gather cool dioramas from boardies here overtime to give them contexts too.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Let me rephrase my "moron" statement.

There are those who obsess over a license in a way that leads them to collect everything they can, due to a love of the license and characters themselves.

Then there are those who obsess over every small, intricate detail and fly off the damn handle if something is 1.5mm off, a cheekbone isn't high enough, an eyebrow is too thin, etc. etc. etc.

Two completely different types of people, and the first one is just a fanatical collector, and I'm that way with G.I. Joe, Jason and Batman stuff.

The second one is obsessive-compulsive and needs to step the hell away from things for a while and learn to enjoy the hobby again instead of picking apart every single thing that is even minutely wrong with a figure and going ape____ over them.

That better?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS152 - Superman: 1/6th scale Superman Collectible Figure

Its better for me - 'fanatical collector'. Sounds about right. Not that I haven't given critiques of some likenesses - the HT T-800s for example - but it doesn't stop me loving this stuff. I don't want to tell you how many T-800s I have.