MMS164 - Iron Man: Iron Monger Limited Edition Collectible Figure

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Do his knees bend? The manual didnt say and I'm afraid to break him.

Yes he does....My right knee was extremely hard to move. It required a lot of force to get it to move. I think it has to do with the paint drying and it getting stuck that way. Just be careful while doing it as I do not want to see someone snap the leg off or something. Just know, this thing is built tough.
Looks like I'll be selling this guy if anyone's interested. Never displayed, only opened the box to check that all the parts were there. Haven't removed packaging or wrapping at all. I'll post this on the for sale thread as well, just thought I'd mention it in here as well.

Something about it you didn't like once it was in hand?
You are right the instructions say nothing about bending at the knee which is a bit stupid, luckily I saw a video on Youtube, with someone moving his knee joint, otherwise I would still have him standing bolt upright.
Thank you for the clarification! Opening up his chest was scary. I felt like I was going to break the things off. I didnt see any hinges or joints, but as a plus its great they hid those things!
I've wondered if the figure could fit in a detolf with a knees bent pose. Anyone had luck with that?

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See my post above. That is about as crouched over as I can get him, and he still is too tall to get in the detolf. Of course, I guess you could just have him sitting. That would work.
Well, I won one off EBay, was in such a hurry to win one and there were so many going on at the same time I screwed up and ended up paying $64 more for the one I won then if I'd only had the chance to check my emails a few minutes; if not seconds between auctions.

I was given a second chance offer on the first one I lost and didn't even know it until winning one on my third attempt at another. This all happened in a matter of minutes and I had paid the third guy and everything before finally checking my emails and seeing it.

I still saved over a hundred dollars so I still have that, but it would have been even better to have saved two hundred on this figure. Now it’s up to the wait; the fellow told me more than twice I’d get it before Christmas so I’m holding him to it even though I have my doubts.

If it doesn’t show I guess I’ll be the only one not getting a gift this year at Christmas in my family; and I’m not kidding either. My parents are dead (mother just passed away in Aug.), I never get anything from my in laws, my wife never gets me anything (she always claims to throw in with my daughter, but my daughter says she never gets anything from her), my Daughter is trying to buy a house this year and I told her to save her money. My son barely makes enough to pay his cell phone bill and keep his car on the road. And my s***y a** brothers wouldn’t spend a penny on me if I were laying in a ditch starving and a penny’s worth of food would save my life; they’d rather throw it in the gutter.

I’m looking forward to his figure and I hope it’s everything everyone keeps saying it is. It cost me close to half of what I make a month so it’s going to have to be. I just couldn’t pass it up though.
Well, I won one off EBay, was in such a hurry to win one and there were so many going on at the same time I screwed up and ended up paying $64 more for the one I won then if I'd only had the chance to check my emails a few minutes; if not seconds between auctions.

I was given a second chance offer on the first one I lost and didn't even know it until winning one on my third attempt at another. This all happened in a matter of minutes and I had paid the third guy and everything before finally checking my emails and seeing it.

I still saved over a hundred dollars so I still have that, but it would have been even better to have saved two hundred on this figure. Now it’s up to the wait; the fellow told me more than twice I’d get it before Christmas so I’m holding him to it even though I have my doubts.

If it doesn’t show I guess I’ll be the only one not getting a gift this year at Christmas in my family; and I’m not kidding either. My parents are dead (mother just passed away in Aug.), I never get anything from my in laws, my wife never gets me anything (she always claims to throw in with my daughter, but my daughter says she never gets anything from her), my Daughter is trying to buy a house this year and I told her to save her money. My son barely makes enough to pay his cell phone bill and keep his car on the road. And my s***y a** brothers wouldn’t spend a penny on me if I were laying in a ditch starving and a penny’s worth of food would save my life; they’d rather throw it in the gutter.

I’m looking forward to his figure and I hope it’s everything everyone keeps saying it is. It cost me close to half of what I make a month so it’s going to have to be. I just couldn’t pass it up though.

I hope its everything you expect it to be and more. Merry Christmas!
Well, I won one off EBay, was in such a hurry to win one and there were so many going on at the same time I screwed up and ended up paying $64 more for the one I won then if I'd only had the chance to check my emails a few minutes; if not seconds between auctions.

I was given a second chance offer on the first one I lost and didn't even know it until winning one on my third attempt at another. This all happened in a matter of minutes and I had paid the third guy and everything before finally checking my emails and seeing it.

I still saved over a hundred dollars so I still have that, but it would have been even better to have saved two hundred on this figure. Now it’s up to the wait; the fellow told me more than twice I’d get it before Christmas so I’m holding him to it even though I have my doubts.

If it doesn’t show I guess I’ll be the only one not getting a gift this year at Christmas in my family; and I’m not kidding either. My parents are dead (mother just passed away in Aug.), I never get anything from my in laws, my wife never gets me anything (she always claims to throw in with my daughter, but my daughter says she never gets anything from her), my Daughter is trying to buy a house this year and I told her to save her money. My son barely makes enough to pay his cell phone bill and keep his car on the road. And my s***y a** brothers wouldn’t spend a penny on me if I were laying in a ditch starving and a penny’s worth of food would save my life; they’d rather throw it in the gutter.

I’m looking forward to his figure and I hope it’s everything everyone keeps saying it is. It cost me close to half of what I make a month so it’s going to have to be. I just couldn’t pass it up though.

I actually encourage people to never buy me anything at anytime. Makes to where I do not expect anything from anybody. I try to keep my expectations at the bottom of a barrel when it comes to people in general ( except my wife and parents ).

Oh yeah and about the Xmas what I do and not celebrate it at all. No need to worry about getting or giving gifts :)
... Jesus...

I have walked outside under the stars every Christmas Eve night, in the rain, snow, or bitter cold every year for decades, and prayed to God. I thank him for the good things that have happened to me and my family, I pray for understanding for the bad things that have happened, I ask him to look after the souls of my family that have passed on (this year I will be adding my mother), and I ask for the continuing health of my family and for things to be better in the year to come.

But to be honest, in the last seven years things have only gotten slowly worse, and I'm beginning to think that God no longer hears my prays or cares.
I have walked outside under the stars every Christmas Eve night, in the rain, snow, or bitter cold every year for decades, and prayed to God. I thank him for the good things that have happened to me and my family, I pray for understanding for the bad things that have happened, I ask him to look after the souls of my family that have passed on (this year I will be adding my mother), and I ask for the continuing health of my family and for things to be better in the year to come.

But to be honest, in the last seven years things have only gotten slowly worse, and I'm beginning to think that God no longer hears my prays or cares.

or possibly does not exist at all.......
I have walked outside under the stars every Christmas Eve night, in the rain, snow, or bitter cold every year for decades, and prayed to God. I thank him for the good things that have happened to me and my family, I pray for understanding for the bad things that have happened, I ask him to look after the souls of my family that have passed on (this year I will be adding my mother), and I ask for the continuing health of my family and for things to be better in the year to come.

But to be honest, in the last seven years things have only gotten slowly worse, and I'm beginning to think that God no longer hears my prays or cares.

He hears and He cares...I've been through the ringer in the past couple years, lost a wife, went to jail for a crime I didn't commit...other people have it way worse...and He hears and cares for us all...even if we cant see or feel it at the time...hang in there brother.
I'm curious, as I'm fairly new to Hot Toys collecting (Started end of 2011). What are your top 3 figures?

Its really just an opinion but based on the ones I have owned. Please remember, a few lines I have never even seen in person so its hard for me to say exactly but I think the new king for me would have to be the Samurai Predator...its just a master piece. I am putting the Iron Monger in second just for the fact that I am a much bigger predator fan than Iron man. It is also a master piece! Third would have to be the new built Jack Sparrow DX Figure. I terms of spot on and materials, I just feel it is one of the best figures put out to date. Its an incredible figure. Remember, I have owned probably 40ish or so Hot Toys figures over the years so I do not consider myself the best person to make a sound judgement but they just keep getting better and better.

-1 Samurai Predator
-2 Iron Monger
-3 Jack Sparrow ( The new DX model )
I had to extend his feet by an inch to get him to his full height. The foot joints couldn't safely support his weight so I slipped in a little spacer temporarily. He now matches my Hulk. I sculpted the Hulk to match the Norton Hulk rather than the Avengers Hulk. But these two behemoths are eyeing each other menacingly in my displays. LOL. Sorry I still haven't given my hulk some pants to wear and the whole thing can be dissected at the waist and arms so the seams are still visible.
