MMS164 - Iron Man: Iron Monger Limited Edition Collectible Figure

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"Thanks to the Hot Toys Community we have some updates on scheduled releqase dates for lots of forthcoming figures. Looks like afew highly anticipated ones have dropped back a little bit again.

Delayed Until April 2012
Spider-man 3 Black Spider-man

Delayed Until May 2012
Sucker Punch Babydoll

Delayed Until June 2012
Sucker Punch Amber
Avatar Jake Sully

Delayed Until July 2012
Tron Legacy Sam Flynn on Light Cycle
Captain America Red Skull
Iron Man Suit Up Gantry

Delayed Until August 2012
Star Wars Luke Skywalker

Delayed Until September 2012
Iron man 2 Iron Monger

Meh, HT you bore me.......get your shizit together.
I honestly don't believe it's because of The Avengers.
Instead, it's because Hot Toys has taken on so many projects then eagerly announcing each one to minimize sales for other manufacturers.

They have so much work to do that none of them are being released within a reasonable time. Just not enough man power or not enough hours in a day. :(
I honestly don't believe it's because of The Avengers.
Instead, it's because Hot Toys has taken on so many projects then eagerly announcing each one to minimize sales for other manufacturers.

They have so much work to do that none of them are being released within a reasonable time. Just not enough man power or not enough hours in a day. :(

I agree with this. They have too much stuff on their plate. I don't know how they're going to manage the 1/4 stuff if their 1/6 release schedule doesn't slow down a bit. They're having trouble keeping up with their release schedule as is.
I don't mind waiting for the sake of quality but Hot toys should just announce something that is sure to come out within 3 to 5 months.

Manage customer expectations.

Disappointments due to delays can affect their credibility in the long run.
I find it very fitting that he´s delayed.
I REALLY want to get one, but in that time of year I´ll have finished my probation time on my new job and will move to another town and first thing first...Monger would´ve been impossible.
This isn´t.
It gives me time to get some other stuff I hadn't bought yet, so the delay is cool with me, too.
The approximate (month) release of Iron Monger is impossible to guess, right? This is the first figure I've ever done the FlexPay thing with. I don't mind a delay too much, but it would be cool to know if we're talking like....a one month delay? Two-three months?

I know I know...patience.
Pretty much. With something like this as big as it is and one of a kind they may delay it again in September. Who knows.

They'd better not. I POed 3 of these suckers and I'm getting pretty gdamned tired of companies not meeting deadlines and respecting release dates. If HT delays this once more, I'm cancelling.
I want this one bad and I have the money for it right now. I'm confused. How come Sisdeshow hasnt updated their release date info on this guy? They still have him coming out around May/June. That date is better for me anyhow. I dont think I can hold the money for 6 more months:panic:
They'd better not. I POed 3 of these suckers and I'm getting pretty gdamned tired of companies not meeting deadlines and respecting release dates. If HT delays this once more, I'm cancelling.

I'm a little worried myself. For a due date fast approaching, I would expect we would see more hype and pictures about it.
Heh, I wish for every month a figure gets delayed, we would get a month without having to make a payment on it. Yeah yeah I know....but hey, it'd be nice, wouldn't it?
September eh? So they will have all my monies, and I will have nothing.
That's great. Really nice. Reminds me of my first and last experience with Wicked Lasers....

I know delays happen but c'mon. How long have they known it would get pushed back THIS far? I feel bad complaining about it....well complaining about Sideshow. Because every customer service issue I've had, they have handled with the utmost friendliness.

And yes, I do know that the delay is *entirely* Hot Toys' fault.
Hot Toys has had delays with the Iron Man line since the very first release. I mean it sucks but it's kinda to be expected at this point for me.