MMS164 - Iron Man: Iron Monger Limited Edition Collectible Figure

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Hey, where can I see more pictures of this event?
A bit off topic, but I don't understand how Stane actually operates Iron Monger. Surely from the size of it there is no way he has his arms and legs inside the limbs in a way that would make them functional like the Iron Man suits would be. Does anyone know if some sort of mock blueprints exist or something? It bothers me every time I look at it.
Think of it like a big video game controller :lol

:lol so you picture him all curled up in the body holding a controller? Certainly requires more skill than wearing Stark's suits!

I want it to be more like the power-loader from Aliens but it's just too flexible at the joints for it to work.
yeah his arms were in the torso but i could never figure out where his legs would go. whether he's sitting in a chair or has his legs actually inside the robot legs :dunno
yeah his arms were in the torso but i could never figure out where his legs would go. whether he's sitting in a chair or has his legs actually inside the robot legs :dunno

Thats my best guess too. His arms were free in the torso, hense my video game controller example. His arms aren't in the arms and his legs might not be in the leg either. He's basically along for the ride but probably could have remote controlled the armor and had similar, albiet less deadly, results.
It was widely believed at the time the movie came out that his hips align with the Iron Monger hips, but his legs only extend to the knees(With perhaps a limited reaction system so small movements of his legs inside the suit generate larger results outside). See pic below for how it could work(I know it's oversized).
His arms would be in armatures inside the body to work the arms from within the body(Like Quaritch in Avatar), and he would have a lot of switches and dials in the body he could use for different weapons systems(Because he didn't have Jarvis).
Of course there's not a whole lot of room in the suit for anything(Although, irony of ironies, there'a lot more room inside it than Tony's suit, and everybody believes that could work, lol). And some of the joints don't line up well with a human body.
But it's just a "take it with a pinch of salt" type of thing.

I honestly think this figure is a long way from release..with HT delays i thought Fall was way too early being only four months or so after original planned release date.
Being such a big, completely new tooled summer might be more realistic.
Yes ridiculous, I agree.