Thought at least one person would agree, hmm. I'm surprised actually, I know prototypes often look better but you guys honestly all think that this figure looks as good as their proto pics? the head looks small and of poor quality (that being the washed out, mushy soft plastic look to it) The paint job is iffy, coloration looks weird, the seam in his hair is pretty apparent, his hair is painted not nearly as realistically as it could be, his outfit seems to be a bit of a bulky material and fit strange, not as nice as the prototype picture made it out to look.
Anyways these are the reasons as to why It's clear, at least to me this figure is not as good as I had hoped.
I have no brand loyalty but If I had to pick one I' go with Hot Toys by a mile. But I have enterbay's Bruce Lee's and to me those figures look a lot better than this final Godfather, I will wait to see which is the better and buy it then.
I thought upon the proto pics that this was the best figure I've ever seen, and while it is very good all in all the final product looks a little like a cheap knock off of a Hot Toy to me. Maybe it's just that all the pics so far are poor but a lot of them seem pretty good to me so it must be the figure itself.