Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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I dunno if I'd even need a reveal...

Not like this Gentle Giant bust:


I'm sure he went into battle like that...

"Hang on, I just need to sit down a minute..."
I hope its either a 3 piece reveal, or 3 separate heads in various stages of reveal. Actually they could do 2 heads for ROTJ, full reveal and helmeted and 2 for ESB 1/2 reveal and helmeted to cover the full range.
Am I not allowed to make a joke now and then? Though was that really "critical?" I thought I was just being playful. Sorry if I came off that way. No harm intended! :eek:
i hope we are getting ESB Vader with interchangable heads..they should get the helmet sculpt right this way.
My novice guess....ANH. Personally I hope for TESB. But here's a question. You think SSC will release Vader from the OT to coincide w/the 1st release of the Luke Skywalker figure? I think the Jedi Skywalker figure was released 1st? Then I would assume Vader from ROTJ? Hmmmm? :D
Personally I'm suspecting it will be ROTS unless they have got regular stormies ready to come out, which I kinda doubt. I'd be pleasantly surprised but SDCC is a great place to showcase a set of figures. Someone posted earlier the various way's you would showcase the different Vaders and the easiest to complete would be the ROTS bridge scene as we only need Tarkin. Sideshow have the officer's outfit pattern from Praaji, therefore all that is needed on Tarkin is the headsculpt. Easiest set to complete, and Lucasfilms tends to prefer pushing the prequel films if they have any say in the order things are produced.
Am I not allowed to make a joke now and then? Though was that really "critical?" I thought I was just being playful. Sorry if I came off that way. No harm intended! :eek:

Damn, man! It's okay to make a joke. You should do it more often. No need to apologize.
Personally I'm suspecting it will be ROTS unless they have got regular stormies ready to come out, which I kinda doubt. I'd be pleasantly surprised but SDCC is a great place to showcase a set of figures. Someone posted earlier the various way's you would showcase the different Vaders and the easiest to complete would be the ROTS bridge scene as we only need Tarkin. Sideshow have the officer's outfit pattern from Praaji, therefore all that is needed on Tarkin is the headsculpt. Easiest set to complete, and Lucasfilms tends to prefer pushing the prequel films if they have any say in the order things are produced.

Screw that. The easiest to "complete a set" with would be ANH Vader, which would go with the ANH Obi-Wan we already have. And frankly, that scene's a bit cooler and more iconic and important than the bridge shot at the end of ROTS. :lecture
Screw that. The easiest to "complete a set" with would be ANH Vader, which would go with the ANH Obi-Wan we already have. And frankly, that scene's a bit cooler and more iconic and important than the bridge shot at the end of ROTS. :lecture

Ya, the only reason that shot was cool was because it was a reflection of cool shots from the OT, not that it was fresh and original stuff.

Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader is more quickly made as far as a display option since 1 figure is already in hand, and it also represents an important stage in the core relationship of the story.
Ya, the only reason that shot was cool was because it was a reflection of cool shots from the OT, not that it was fresh and original stuff.

Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader is more quickly made as far as a display option since 1 figure is already in hand, and it also represents an important stage in the core relationship of the story.

Also, ANH Vader would be the easiest to make. We're set up for all three duels at this point, but that one would require the simplest engineering.
I am just learning of this!
Since I have a New Hope Vader I am pretty happy with, and still hope for a Hurricane Empire Vader, I kinda hope it's a ROTS or a ROTJ one. Sorry, personal needs thing. But, for you guys, I can understand your zeal for a New Hope one.
Will I get one despite having my own? Is blood red? Do farts stink? (and more importantly, does Creecher care?)...but seriously, I hope it's a New Hope one. I will get it for the box and see if I prefer it to my own custom. If there are lights and lines of dialogue....well...OK. :rock

Happy for you guys mostly. At least if I do miss out on any orders, I can sleep somewhat. Good luck all. And congrats.
Now, pray it's spot on! Whatever version it is.
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