Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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There's really no excuse. The SS one SHOULD be the best vader 1/6 to date. Anything less than the marmit or medicoms will be a total letdown.

I'm expecting greatness.
personaly, I'm expencting the biggest gripefest since... welll.. ever.
fanboys love to complain.

don't matter to me though, I'll get him regardless. so, who, like me is sing points on theirs? I've got 1265 points saved for him so far. how bout the rest of you?
I won't use points, but only because I'm saving points for things I'd give a pass to unless I could get them for points or something. Vader is a must, I'll happily keep the order for him so I don't feel a need to use up points on him. Although, ironically, anything I pass on because it doesn't fit in the budget I'd probably get if I weren't working Vader in, so really doesn't matter what I put them too. Guess we'll see what happens.
personaly, I'm expencting the biggest gripefest since... welll.. ever.

I'm sure that will go down. The only way i'll ^^^^^ is if we get a sub par Vader less than the 1/6 ones we already have seen/own. Other than that i'll just post my pics/poses of him and move on and leave the complaining and anal retentive talk for the fanboyz.
You use points on cheap items, not expensive ones. Or else you lose the points for the expensive item.
The biggest problum I have with the medicom vaders is that they are more toy like and not aimed at the adult collector.The reveal mask is the total let down for me on the medicom vaders.I know I complain about vader figures haveing a working reveal mask more then anything but it just makes the figure look more like a toy.All we need is a facemask,dome and a neckbrace depending on the movie.

The marmit prototype is the most perfect vader ever made too bad they never releasesd it.I often wonder if they would of added the damage/rushed paint job.

Yep the sideshow vader will show us what sideshow is really made of.Are they going to make it for the (toy collectors or the Darth Vader fanatics) ???????

You use points on cheap items, not expensive ones. Or else you lose the points for the expensive item.

I don't think its that big a deal as long as you save more than the points are worth. If it costs $200 thats only $10 in points so if you use more than that in all ready saved up reward points you still come out ahead.
For me, I use the point for the big-money items so that it does not hit me as hard in the wallet all at once. You are not losing fewer points by buying one big item.

If Darth Vader cost 120.00, and you buy him completely with points, you lose 6 dollars. But spreading those points out over three 40 dollar items loses the same amount of points.

The only time it would be a waste is if you only use 40.00 worth of ponts on a 120.00 figure. Then you lose more points than if you had used the points for a 40.00 item.

I always save the points until I can get a free figure. But then, with as many orders as I usually doesn't take that long. This will be either my third or fourth (likely third) free figure from points (if I have enough, I have not checked lately).
That's what I did with GTG and Indy Ex 1:6th. I used points and as I've mentioned in the past am gonna get them for like $31 combined with shipping.
I'm planning on using the double reward points I got for Palps for Vader, meaning a $24 discount...
The Marmit prototype does look to be the best made one yet... too bad it never saw the light of day. They also had a 2nd Boba Fett and one other figure in the works when the plug got pulled... maybe Tie-Fighter Pilot, but not sure on that last one.
I'll probably be stoned for this, but in the pictures I've seen, the Marmit doesn't quite wow me outside of having a nice size for the scale. Something seems weird about the helmet in the images I've seen, maybe someone else has better shots of it.
The Marmit prototype does look to be the best made one yet... too bad it never saw the light of day. They also had a 2nd Boba Fett and one other figure in the works when the plug got pulled... maybe Tie-Fighter Pilot, but not sure on that last one.

yea the marmits kick butt. i've managed to pick up a few sandtroopers, at-at driver, boba fett, and a tie pilot all at fairly reasonable prices except for one. if sideshow's versions get close to marmit quality i will be happy. i've seen the proto vader pics as well & really wished it would have been done.
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