Super Freak
As cool as a 1977 edition size would be, i don't see it happening with vader. jabbas throne, for example was 4200 in edition size, and jabba was inclusive. No, I really don't see a 1977, not unless they want Riots. HOWEVER, it bears mentioning that this is listed as an ANH vader, meaning, they have plans to do the other versions. cool there
But as it's their first Vader there are people who, like me, will order him simply becuase it;s Vader, when if they were releasing all 3 ( or 4) verisons of Vader at once, I'd only Get the Jedi Version.
so, if they do a 1977 size at comicon, he'll be gone LONG before the ppo.
As cool as a 1977 edition size would be, i don't see it happening with vader. jabbas throne, for example was 4200 in edition size, and jabba was inclusive. No, I really don't see a 1977, not unless they want Riots. HOWEVER, it bears mentioning that this is listed as an ANH vader, meaning, they have plans to do the other versions. cool there
so, if they do a 1977 size at comicon, he'll be gone LONG before the ppo.