Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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As cool as a 1977 edition size would be, i don't see it happening with vader. jabbas throne, for example was 4200 in edition size, and jabba was inclusive. No, I really don't see a 1977, not unless they want Riots. HOWEVER, it bears mentioning that this is listed as an ANH vader, meaning, they have plans to do the other versions. cool there :) But as it's their first Vader there are people who, like me, will order him simply becuase it;s Vader, when if they were releasing all 3 ( or 4) verisons of Vader at once, I'd only Get the Jedi Version.
so, if they do a 1977 size at comicon, he'll be gone LONG before the ppo.
Why would there be riots? Tons of people skip the exclusives so they can get the figures cheaper from other retailers.
Exactly. Take the Bespin Luke exclusive. He was available to Pre order at SDCC last year and they kept a 1980 exclusive size. I think it would be a cop out to NOT do Vader as a 1977 size when Luke, Leia, Han and Obi all have been so far.
Point taken, i suppose it depends on what the exclusive is.
However, lets think about it this way Mem, how many Lukes had they done at that point? Granted, Some people desparately wanted ESB luke, but many people saw it as "just another luke" and passed it by.
As long as i can get one, I R teh happy. I just hope i get a fair shot at an exclusive version if The exclusive add in is worth it, as I'll be in Korea at the time.
Well look at Old Ben: He blew the servers down, was at 1977 and most that wanted an exclusive got one. I'm not all that fussed about it. I actually miss the old days when you were praying to get your order in under the wire. Gotta remember to click all the boxes and use those points.
Old ben wasn't avaliable at Comic con before he was able to be pre ordered on the web, was he? THAT'S Specificly why I don't thin he'll be a 1977 edition size. If I'm wrong about Old ben, then correct me. :)
He wasn't at SDCC but he was just as anticipated, especially once people saw Trev's sculpt. I got Clone Kenobi, I got Old Ben, I got Apprentice Vader and I even got Kit Fisto, I'm not too worried about this one.
So what if 1977 people preorder the exclusive version at comic-con then? :lol
I'd think that there is going to be ATLEAST that many people there who will want him.
which brings up an interesting point. what happens if you waitlist, and it goers through, can you call and use points on it?
Inclusive is dead. Points have to be used at the time of the waitlist reservation, meaning if it doesn't go through you are probably SOL.
I wish that "inclusive" concept was still around for these two. I can't think of any other two SW characters where this would be the best way to go.

Well, the last several PPOs have gone pretty well...and I'm sure many of the regulars here who are attending SDCC will order theirs there's hoping all goes without a hitch on PPO day.
If there are any left on ppo day......

Hopefully there will be.

Hey Pix, I might need you to do the Pre-ordering of mine for me.. Not sure I'll have web acess when these go up, can yous do that for me?
Darth Vader pics finally!! I'm buying this Vader but not sure if able to get the exclusive if only 1977. The same with stormies, I'll try getting 2. Still I'm going to keep my Medicoms
oh, definitely keeping my medis. A stormy is a stormy, short, tall, fat, thin, whatever.
And vader's just as bad ass in medi scale, or sideshow.
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