Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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I tried lightening it, but the res was pretty low on the one i worked with, this was the best i could do, it doesn't really help much, but there is a definite red tinge to the lenses-


Thanks wookster! I don't see the eyes in there but like you said, the res is pretty low.
I think he may mean that there's a hint of the the red, sunglasses look, but not that it's actually transparent to something beneath the mask, that wouldn't be film accurrate, you never saw Anakin's eyes through the mask, that was half the mystery with ANH, you didn't know he was human in there.

See what those Special Editions have done? :)

Sorry Sean but there were MANY instances where Dave Prowse's eyes could be seen behind those red lenses back in the pre-SE days. Heck, one can still see them on the LD edition of the movie (along with Kenny Baker's face in R2's clear eye while on the sandcrawler). All that's been, ahem, fixed now in the special editions.

Granted, the concept was..."What is this guy? Machine or man?", but the limitations of time and technology in the '70s (and no army of fans ripping things to shreds via the internet LOL) made those eyes quite visible...
See what those Special Editions have done? :)

Sorry Sean but there were MANY instances where Dave Prowse's eyes could be seen behind those red lenses back in the pre-SE days. Heck, one can still see them on the LD edition of the movie (along with Kenny Baker's face in R2's clear eye while on the sandcrawler). All that's been, ahem, fixed now in the special editions.

Granted, the concept was..."What is this guy? Machine or man?", but the limitations of time and technology in the '70s (and no army of fans ripping things to shreds via the internet LOL) made those eyes quite visible...

Quoted for truth. Seeing eyes through the mask and wondering what the rest of him looked like was one of my favorite things about ANH as a kid. :lecture
I thought I still saw the eyes on the SE they were showing in HD on HBO. Have to check...
Can you still see any of these things in the non-special edition versions of the movie released most recently?

Barely, These were darkened up a bit for the DVD. But the most obvious instance is at:

Chapter 45 "Assault on Death Star" counter: 15216 "I'm on the leader"
I don't know. I doesn't look too ANH to me. Sure it's got the inner robe properly placed, but that armor looks WAY too polished and silver to me. In ANH it really looked like that breast plate was black on black. It just looks like the ESB chest plate under a robe. And as Hurricane noted, the helmet looks pretty small...
I know its just the sneak peak we're evaluating and Vader helmet ALWAYS looks different depending on the camera angle. I'll withold judgement until we've got good proto pics, but I hope these items are addressed.
...the chest armor in ANH was brush painted, well the prop piece was and had a really dull finish, this gives the illusion under some lighting that is actually all black, but i gotta agree does look ESB under the robe...the more i study it the more i like but also the more i spot thats not quite right, seems the chest box is a wee bit too big, doesnt seem to be a gap between its top and his armor or below and the belt..

all in all looks good and keeps alot of people happy wihich in the end is the goal
...the chest armor in ANH was brush painted, well the prop piece was and had a really dull finish, this gives the illusion under some lighting that is actually all black, but i gotta agree does look ESB under the robe...the more i study it the more i like but also the more i spot thats not quite right, seems the chest box is a wee bit too big, doesnt seem to be a gap between its top and his armor or below and the belt..

all in all looks good and keeps alot of people happy wihich in the end is the goal

You have the disadvantage of making these Vaders yourself and have looked at the designed much more than the average collector. Ignorance is bliss..
I don't know. I doesn't look too ANH to me. Sure it's got the inner robe properly placed, but that armor looks WAY too polished and silver to me. In ANH it really looked like that breast plate was black on black. It just looks like the ESB chest plate under a robe.

I'm thinking that's a directive from LFL.

Lucas' approved look to the ROTS armor suggests that the ANH look was due to budget and the first crack, and the ESB, ROTJ and ROTS designs, while not 100% the same, are what he'd have had in ANH.

It wouldn't surprise me if LFL made the armor resemble ROTS to give that continuity, even though it doesn't exist in film, LFL may say it's what SHOULD exist in the film, but it's a bit complex to just CGI for the Super Ultra Special editions so it hasn't been done.
Nothing will top the ESB custom you did for me, Glenn, but if the helmet at least looks better than it does in this first pic I'll be ordering one. I don't have an ANH Vader in my collection so this would be a nice addition. I just hope Sideshow gets it "close" as this is the one people have been waiting on for 3 years.
...the chest armor in ANH was brush painted, well the prop piece was and had a really dull finish, this gives the illusion under some lighting that is actually all black, but i gotta agree does look ESB under the robe...the more i study it the more i like but also the more i spot thats not quite right, seems the chest box is a wee bit too big, doesnt seem to be a gap between its top and his armor or below and the belt..

all in all looks good and keeps alot of people happy wihich in the end is the goal

Well, I can clearly see some Hurricane improvements in my future Vader... :D
gonna have to be a pass for me Im afraid as Ive got a custom one on order (nods towards the IOW)

Storm Trooper maybe but only once I have had a look at it in other shots, as this promo shot looks like its trying to hide something imho but extra photos permitting he will be down to price

Rebel Trooper as well, he will be purchased based on price, Ive already created a custom which took me a few man hours and about £25 including parts shipped and Im happy with him

So as long as the rebel aint double that in price including shipping Ill try and squeeze him in
No way I will pass on the first 1:6 scale SS passers are crazy! :D

As great as Hurricanes Vaders are (and they are), I am guessing this fig will give him even more base parts to make an even greater custom....but, I am liking what I am seeing with this one thus far
Phew a ANH vader, wonder how it will compare to the ESB from Glenn.

Its wicked that were getting the tantive battle figures, will be getting a few stomie sand rebels.
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