Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Comparing some pics



The widows peak nedd to be much more angular, that is for sure.


Is it me or the top of the helmet is a bit wider and not so rounded.

I'm pretty sure they'll correct these details prior to final release.

The other details and the paint scheme is terrific!
ROTJ with full reveal is more a must, should be the next Vader IMO.

Looks terrific, Great Figure.

Thing is I will only get ONE Vader and ROTJ with Shaw reveal is my dream Vader. I had a Med and sold it b/c the head was too small, still nice figure. If SSC ends up making a ROTJ I can pose with Emperor, Chair Piece and Jedi Luke I'm SO in. If they do a ROTJ Vader with what's his name reveal then I'll save up and get a Cane Vader w/everything.

Guess I'm just partial to Old School ROTJ Shaw.
ROTJ Shaw Vader is the one I am waiting for as well, but this will look nice with the Stormies and Old Ben. :)
Oh, it'll look GREAT with EP 4 Figs. It's beautiful....

but I'm focusing on ESB and FB ROTJ for Vader. I don't need or want multiple Vaders.
Looks terrific, Great Figure.

Thing is I will only get ONE Vader and ROTJ with Shaw reveal is my dream Vader. I had a Med and sold it b/c the head was too small, still nice figure. If SSC ends up making a ROTJ I can pose with Emperor, Chair Piece and Jedi Luke I'm SO in. If they do a ROTJ Vader with what's his name reveal then I'll save up and get a Cane Vader w/everything.

Guess I'm just partial to Old School ROTJ Shaw.

ROTJ Shaw Vader is the one I am waiting for as well, but this will look nice with the Stormies and Old Ben. :)

Yes, ANH Vader, while my least favorite look, is a must for his pairing with Old Ben, I love that relationship.

As for ROTJ Reveal, they didn't replace Shaw's head even though his ghost, so I'm sure LFL won't deny SSC using Shaw's face for a figure, you can't do it any other way and fans won't buy it if it's Hayden.
Yes, ANH Vader, while my least favorite look, is a must for his pairing with Old Ben, I love that relationship.

As for ROTJ Reveal, they didn't replace Shaw's head even though his ghost, so I'm sure LFL won't deny SSC using Shaw's face for a figure, you can't do it any other way and fans won't buy it if it's Hayden.

They replaced Shaw's head at the end of ROTJ, there's no telling what Lucas may or may not approve.
Crom laughs at those trying to find issues with SS Vader. Just order him and enjoy the awesome looking proper scale Vader.
A NEW HOPE rocks now...

Vader, Stormtroopers, Praji, Ben, Luke, Han, Leia...

Besides the obvious crucial 3 missing, I hope Tarkin isn't far away to finish the villains up.
A NEW HOPE rocks now...

Vader, Stormtroopers, Praji, Ben, Luke, Han, Leia...

Besides the obvious crucial 3 missing, I hope Tarkin isn't far away to finish the villains up.

Yup, at this point, the big 3 aren't anytime soon, but Tarkin before the year is out would be great, wrap up ANH in 2008, move onto Jedi or ESB in 2009, definitely should keep focus on the OT in 2009 with a sprinkle or two of PT here and there like Padme or an Obi or Anakin.
I think it's mostly a question of futzing.
He'll probably look a lot better well posed and futzed.
The helmet still looks a bit small-ish to me, but otherwise, it is a stellar figure.
Ya, the pose, especially in the official image, throws it off, his arms are way out wide and makes the pose look strange.

I can't get over the helmet though, in the con shots, it's like off the screen, it looks so real.
Choking hand, while neat, is something I can pass on. Unless, it's a force choke hand, then I can't. Hopefully, it's just the gripping hand used to choke Antilles.
So I am thinking Q1 2009 release (around late March), do you guys agree. :(

I'm going to say April-May. I'd rather they take their time and ensure we get him the best he can be in our hands, I think Feb-March could be doable, but why push to get him in hand, just make him great. I'd wait until next August if it meant him being the best he can be.
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