Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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$125 which is pretty reasonable considering other 1/6 and even mass market action figures nowadays (anyone hear that the 3 3/4 Joes will be $9.99?).

Incredibly reasonable, actually. I'm much more impressed with Vader than I am with the Dark knight figures, and those are a lot more expensive.
The good thing is that Vader will be coming out Q9,so there's a lot of time to save some serious money to snag him.
The good thing is that Vader will be coming out Q9,so there's a lot of time to save some serious money to snag him.

9th Quarter? You probably meant 2009, right? Will other retailers such as BBTS be carrying these too? In case I miss the preorder from SS.


My only concern now is will it fit in my Ikea detolf cabinets he looks freakin huge :monkey5 I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please be an inclusive
It's an ANH figure, but that profile, I'd swear I was looking at Vader coming off the Imperial shuttle at the opening of Jedi :rock
Yeah the dome is a little small (for ANH) but still it looks 99.9% VADER to me
Proportions, Size & profiles I am very excited over this one!
This figure beats the crap out of the PF. Lets just hope the production piece lands somewhere near this quality.

Yup. This is just about as perfect as I could have expected. Stormtroopers too. I didn't want any in the first place, but these are slowly winning me over. They just look so awesome.
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