Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Yeah, SS sure looks a lot like a Hasbro figure....:rolleyes:


That helmet, my eyes!!! That thing was great compared to the first POTF 2 Vader, but man was it still wayyyy off.
$142 out the door....Ugh..CA State Tax is a killer. Ordered one just in case I can't nab the Exclusive.
Sideshow's "official" pics are not very flattering at all, but the pics I've seen of the one on display at SDCC look fantastic. It seems like SS always does a disservice to their products with bad photography.
He looks great in the QTVR, just wish they posed him arms down so we could see how the cape lays, wish they'd have done some pictures with the cape on him properly.
He looks great in the QTVR, just wish they posed him arms down so we could see how the cape lays, wish they'd have done some pictures with the cape on him properly.

Do they do webcam requests at the con? Might be a good request if they do.
So is the regular Stormtrooper one without ANY blaster? I mean isn't that a necessity accessory with the Stormtrooper? That's like Vader with no lightsaber.

I ordered 2 stormies and a Vader just to be safe. That's a hell of an expensive Vader for a 12 inch SSC. Better be freaking awesome in person.
The regular stormtrooper comes with a blaster. The exclusive comes with an additional blaster.
You can roll your eyes all the way into the back of your head. It won't make it any less true.

What looks Hasbroish about the SS one? You can't throw out that kind of comparision and not offer what you find lacking.

No crappy helmet, oversized oven mitt hands, unlined cape, oversized cape chain, oversized suit like on the Hasbro one. Not to mention the SS one will have superior fabrics, accessories and articulation.
Re: regular darth vader up for preorder

Force choke hand.

wow, a ppo for a force choke hand. i think vader should have come with the force choke hand and they should have made him inclusive. he is the most anticipated figure in the line to date. sometimes i wonder about the decisions of others as i find their lack of common sense disturbing. :lol
Same here. I don't need an exclusive stormtrooper, but if Vader's edition size is 1977, then I need it. The number is the only reason I bothered with any of the ANH exclusives.
You can roll your eyes all the way into the back of your head. It won't make it any less true.

Dude, I'm not a SS apologist by any means, but if you think their Vader looks anything remotely like a Hasbro product you either need lasik surgery or a good psychologist.
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