Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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Yea SS, 3 years and still no Dooku?????

Dooku > everyoneelse

3 Years and No Lando. He's not high on my list, but of important characters to do that aren't that hard to make, it is getting to be a bit WTF that he hasn't been made yet.
Okay, time to weigh in on this figure. Overall it looks good, but I'm seeing a few things that aren't quite there. What really jump out at me are the shoulder bells and the cape. The bells are just the wrong shape; no getting around it. As to the cape, it doesn't look full enough.I'm also not sure about the arm length, but it's a hard call based on the pix I've seen. Finally, from some angles the helmet doesn't look quite full enough; the NH helmet has an enormous(and wildly assymetrical) dome, with a very wide flair, much more so than any other version. Of course, these could all be due to A) it's the prototype, and still under work, and B) Sideshow's notoriously crappy photography(they really need to hire someone who knows which end of the camera is which).There also ought to be pleats on the front of the robe, but this is an arrangement problem more than anything else, I think. Mask looks very nice, as does the armor and saber. I think I'll be VERY interested to see the actual figure...PS

to me, this looks more like an ESB or ROTJ vader with ANH gloves. i wonder if lucasfilm is making sideshow do this? (not allowing the proper helmet to be sculpted,) and what's with the silver on the shoulder bells? weren't they all black in ANH?(or at least a darker, duller shade?
to me, this looks more like an ESB or ROTJ vader with ANH gloves. i wonder if lucasfilm is making sideshow do this? (not allowing the proper helmet to be sculpted,) and what's with the silver on the shoulder bells? weren't they all black in ANH?(or at least a darker, duller shade?

Check this site out, it's from the UK. It's a great site for reference and has detailed info about all the subtle and not so subtle changes made to Vader over the course of all the films. Enjoy!
I really would like to see the Vader figure in person. From the pics at SS site the figure has still to be corrected to represent an accurate ANH Vader.

From SS site

Shoulders are too broad. Shoulder bells too big and too prominent.

Helm stiil need to be a bit bigger, most probably is just the doem that is a bit on the small side. PLEASE sharpen that widows peak,mother wise is a ESB helm, not a ANH.

Cape need to be thicker and heavier and rest over the shoulders.

The Marmit prototyper really captures the proportions and feel of the ANH anything better than I have ever seen.



Here a real ANH Vader for reference.

Just my 2 cents.
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A lot of these changes though won't be made, most likely the widows peak as it was changed on the PF per LFL direction. SS could make an accurate SW Vader but LFL can just not approve it unless the changes are made per their instructions.
Thing too is, Sideshow's looking to get mileage off the base body, which is understandable, and even the Vader body is just a modified armor body. Vader will not be 100% accurrate on that fact alone, the proportions are going to vary and such because you're working with what you've got. It'll still be a great figure in the world of mass produced Darth Vaders.
A lot of these changes though won't be made, most likely the widows peak as it was changed on the PF per LFL direction. SS could make an accurate SW Vader but LFL can just not approve it unless the changes are made per their instructions.


this figure we're getting is probably what lucas would say he really intended the ANH vader to be, but for reasons of budget, time, etc... they couldn't realize his vision.:rolleyes:
For the record, though, this is an atrocious image:


We know from the SDCC photos we've seen that it looks miles better than this photo implies. When I saw the first pictures of Sideshow's Vader, I was like "uh... something looks very wrong here" but the subsequent photos have me convinced that this will be a solid figure.
I really would like to see the Vader figure in person. From the pics at SS site the figure has still to be corrected to represent an accurate ANH Vader.

From SS site

Shoulders are too broad. Shoulder bells too big and too prominent.

Helm stiil need to be a bit bigger, most probably is just the doem that is a bit on the small side. PLEASE sharpen that widows peak,mother wise is a ESB helm, not a ANH.

Cape need to be thicker and heavier and rest over the shoulders.

The Marmit prototyper really captures the proportions and feel of the ANH anything better than I have ever seen.



Here a real ANH Vader for reference.

Just my 2 cents.

Marmit Vader is still the best mass produced Vader. If it had ever been produced, that is.
As you point out, it just captures the look perfectly.
I'm hoping that once I have SST's Vader in hand, I can futz and customize it to look more like the Marmit one in terms of overall feel.
I'm looking to Hurricane to give us the perfect helmet...

Still, we're a long way off from getting these guys, so let's wait and see what the production pics look like.
Check this site out, it's from the UK. It's a great site for reference and has detailed info about all the subtle and not so subtle changes made to Vader over the course of all the films. Enjoy!

That was pretty cool. Seems to me that there were many variations even in the same film on what was used so I can't fault Sideshow at all if not every little detail is perfect on this Vader since they never were in the films either.
I really would like to see the Vader figure in person. From the pics at SS site the figure has still to be corrected to represent an accurate ANH Vader.

From SS site

Helm still need to be a bit bigger, most probably is just the dome that is a bit on the small side.

The Marmit prototyper really captures the proportions and feel of the ANH anything better than I have ever seen.

Here a real ANH Vader for reference.

Just my 2 cents.

Actually, judging from that last picture, the Marmit helmet is too big. The Sideshow dome is level with the tusks, exactly like the picture of the movie Vader. Also, the widow's peak on the Marmit is too sharp. ESB and ROTJ were completely flat. ANH was peaked, but not so pointed. Again, it's right there in your reference shot.
do these figures tend to hold their value for the most part or do they make to many and can be had later on for less? Or do just the exclusives tend to be worth a bit more
This figure as I said earlier is off the charts. Its as good as anything I've ever seen and IMO there is little if anything wrong with this piece.
do these figures tend to hold their value for the most part or do they make to many and can be had later on for less? Or do just the exclusives tend to be worth a bit more

Only exclusive or regular for that matter that has held it's value is Jedi Luke. First figure and the exclusive was only 1250 made. However with Vader and the Stormies this may all change very quickly.
do these figures tend to hold their value for the most part or do they make to many and can be had later on for less? Or do just the exclusives tend to be worth a bit more

As a rule, they drop like a rock. :lol But Vader in particular is hard to predict. He'll be probably the most popular figure to date, but he may be produced in bigger quantities as well. And it's possible that finally getting Vader and Stormtroopers will make more people interested in this line. Still, if past trends hold true, you'll always be able to get Sideshow Star Wars figures on the secondary market for less than retail. Sometimes a LOT less.

Basically, you should buy the exclusive direct from Sideshow if you want the exclusive and/or you want to get the figure as soon as possible. Buy the regular edition from another retailer if you want the figure, but don't care about the exclusive and don't mind getting the figure later than others. And wait to see if the figure crops up used if you don't mind waiting for months. (This is the approach I'm taking with Praji and Aayla Secura.)
Only exclusive or regular for that matter that has held it's value is Jedi Luke. First figure and the exclusive was only 1250 made. However with Vader and the Stormies this may all change very quickly.

Old Ben tends to sell for retail or above... I think there are a few others, but for the most part not good $$$ investments :lol
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