Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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BTW, his packaging will probably be gigantic!!!

I'm guessing somewhere around the height of Maul's box, and the depth of Kit Fisto's.

Finally, the 30th Anniv. design will be used to it's best; a Vader based design with a Vader figure :rock

So cool just to think we'll finally see a Sideshow box with Vader's image on the cover :rock
As a proud owner of my own custom 77 Vader, that I've had for a while now, I can tell you that the box is 60% why I am getting this SS one also. That and maybe the hand...and to just have one!
I am trying for him Friday, just not worried if I miss out now that I have the regular on preorder.
Hope I get one though. And yeah, best of luck you guys. I know what it's like to have one already, so hang in there and get one! :rock

:vader :rock
I'll have to link it later, but I caught a nice, flash filled photo of Vader's profile over at RS and you could see the cape collar, it's just tucked under the helmet for some reason, but it is there and presumably the chain as well. You can also see the shape to the point where the mask rests on the chest and shoulders and it looks like they really got that correct too, where some makers have taken liberty, looks pretty true to the costume.

I hope SSC releases a lot of BTS on this guy, I'd love to know the details behind making this a reality.
this guy is gonna be epic. i have been out of ss 12'' sw stuff for a while now but with vader and the stormtrooper on the horizon i'm hooked again. I'm super stoked it is the anh version also. i really dig that look (all looks really) but there's just something about the worn-out, broken down appearance of that costume as opposed to the later, shiner, bulkier ones, which i love don't get me wrong, but this appearance has always had a special place with me.
I hope that if this live action series truly materializes, the big finale will be Vader kicking the crap out of a bunch of the remaining Jedi and apprentices. Have it lead directly into episode IV even maybe show how he had to repair and patch his armor. There should be a big section in the last season about how the Death Star plans were stolen and the Empire tracking them down.
I hope that if this live action series truly materializes, the big finale will be Vader kicking the crap out of a bunch of the remaining Jedi and apprentices. Have it lead directly into episode IV even maybe show how he had to repair and patch his armor. There should be a big section in the last season about how the Death Star plans were stolen and the Empire tracking them down.

Agreed, it should end in some manner like the Cartoon Network Clone Wars lead into ROTS.
I hope that if this live action series truly materializes, the big finale will be Vader kicking the crap out of a bunch of the remaining Jedi and apprentices. Have it lead directly into episode IV even maybe show how he had to repair and patch his armor. There should be a big section in the last season about how the Death Star plans were stolen and the Empire tracking them down.

Agreed, it should end in some manner like the Cartoon Network Clone Wars lead into ROTS.

Yes, please! :banana
Not necessarily, if they follow suit, we should get pictures and info with the NL Thursday night, ya we've seen the regular pics but they ought to show the Ex. pics as they usually show the PPO item images the night before lately.

LOL...this post was pertaining to the edition size of the exclusive. Not the exclusive itself. But you are absolutely right!:D
Didn't they say that the series would not be involving main characters, though?

Yes, but just because the seasons don't revolve around them, doesn't mean the close of the series can't bring them in. I think you need to bring the main guys back at least in the end to tie the show not only to the saga's storyline in general, but specifically to A New Hope.
And they would have to have Vader in it and mention of what the Emperor and others were doing at the time... at least I would hope.
LOL...this post was pertaining to the edition size of the exclusive. Not the exclusive itself. But you are absolutely right!:D

Well that's why I said pics and info, I believe the other ANH characters had their ES listed along with the photos, except one, I think they didn't even list it PPO day but eventually just posted it, Luke I think.
And they would have to have Vader in it and mention of what the Emperor and others were doing at the time... at least I would hope.

I'm guessing Vader and the Emperor will be handled like the Emperor in ANH, just mentions of their actions but not seeing anything.
I am thinking there might not be an edition size listed on Friday.

They need to get all of the SDCC orders processed first or else they run the risk of over-selling.
Man I would be seriously irked if the edition size was mostly sold out from the show... Vader's exclusive should not be turned into a SDCC exclusive by default. Although in the past its never seemed to affect releases (like Boushh or Bib) so hopefully its cool.
I think they know what they're doing. The ES will be appropriately sized for: 1) something as popular as Vader, and 2) something that was already presold at the show.

They won't make non-attendees suffer too much.
Man I would be seriously irked if the edition size was mostly sold out from the show... Vader's exclusive should not be turned into a SDCC exclusive by default. Although in the past its never seemed to affect releases (like Boushh or Bib) so hopefully its cool.

I'm sure that won't happen. As much as I'm not a fan of the priviledges attendees get, at least it's balanced by SSC not dicking the NAs over. We may have to fight lagging servers and what not, but as far as chances because of the Edition Size, they're not going to shaft people that couldn't go to the con, which is one thing that makes me think Vader may break the 1977 rule, depending on how many orders were taken at the con. If there's anything under 1200 pieces after the con, I don't think you can get away with 1977 ES, but if only like 500 or so POs happend at SDCC, I think it's safe to still do 1977.
I agree with ya Tom, Sideshow is pretty good about these. But I could see if the edition is set for 1977 that a good chunk would already be gone. Either way I'll be there on Friday and I'll hop on the waitlist as con orders seem to cancel even more than PPOs :lol
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