Official 1/6th Darth Vader Thread

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True. Hopefully SS will give us the "finger" for Vader too.

So let's figure it out:

2x hands on belt
2x saber grip
1x relaxed saber grip -- one hand
1x pointy finger

That's 6... plus the Motti choke hand ex.

Yeah, the finger is an important one :lecture
I have one BIG question for anyone at the show, pester Sideshow about it or something, but find out, HOW is the chest box attached to the figure?

This is something that has been poorly done on every Vader I've ever owned, Medi's method the worst of them all to me, this SSC one looks sharp, but I'd like to know the method.
Here's another near profile view from the other side.


:drool :drool :drool :drool :drool

I'm comfortable enough to say it, that looks almost sexy, WOW this is an awesome figure.

The only thing I'm not sold on is the cape, c'mon SSC, let's see some pictures with that cape over the front of his body as it should be.
Hmm... wonder where they got that shot? Definitely looks like an official Sideshow one.

Although his legs look really short there.
Hmm... wonder where they got that shot? Definitely looks like an official Sideshow one.

Although his legs look really short there.

It's an official SSC image. We always see the images through SSC's site, but half the reason they take them is for press, which is why this site has it, they're using it for press purposes. That's why Sideshow shoots their stuff like they do, they make the details clear and easy to see for the press use as well. It's the multiple purposes for their photos that drives the style. If it was just us Freaks, they'd do more artsy I'm sure.
i think they just have the legs spread a bit making it look shorter.
The helmet looks bigger here too, so I think that's playing with the general perception of his proportions.
I think he looks great. One tiny item from me though...I hope the cape has a wire. Would make posing it easier and give it a better appearance scale-wise. Right now, all of the shots are making it look like a big square of fabric just hanging there with no weight.

But that's a small thing...the detailing and the total look of this figure is fantastic...
Please don't hurt me, but that shot looks like serious monkey arms.

I don't think so. In terms of length, they're fine. And if you mean that the forearms look too long, it's just because the upper arm/shoulder is under the shoulder pads. The new body shouldn't have monkey arm issues. As for the proportions, look how far apart his legs are spread in that pose. Makes the legs look too short since they're hidden by his outfit.
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