Official Yoda 1:1 Scale Bust Image Thread

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Man, I must be missing something here. I tend to be a hardcore Yoda collector, but this was one item that was an easy pass for me. This looks like an amazing representation of an alien from Yoda's species...but not exactly the character himself. Maybe his brother or something...? It all falls apart for me from the lips down. I have seen both this bust and the original Yoda puppet on display at a traveling museum show, and unfortunately the SS piece doesn't quite nail it. I'm happy for you guys who love this (I was really looking forward to it as well!), but I'll keep on waiting for the "ultimate" Yoda sculpt.
I think he looks best from angles, front on, there's a lack of definition to his jaw and neck so it looks like one big mass, but from angles it's him.
Although with the right lighting even the front-on view can be good. But some of it does get lost.

Now I just have to figure out where to put him. I'm moving soon and I planned on having him on top of a Detolf, but the idea of having him at a lower level seems more in keeping with the character. Guess I'll have to play with it, but for now he's gonna be boxed up. I've had to keep him in the bedroom as my current collection room is getting boxed up... the wife is not thrilled :lol
Frankly, I don't see how anybody who has seen this in person couldn't think it's the best ESB yoda likeness available.
It does depend some on the angle, but I agree that there isn't a better Yoda available.

Anything above eye level and the likeness is lost, you have to be looking down on him. That makes sense considering we never really looked up at him in the OT. :lol
So has anyone glossed his eyes? Seems like it would give him a bit more realism... but I'm too chicken to mess with him :lol
One bummer that doesn't negate the bust aspect is if he had 2 hands and his cane. They used no right hand and the draping of the robes to suggest like he's holding onto it even though he isn't, but it would have been neat, and I don't see it being a conflict if MR/eFX had a cane replica as the bust would only be about 1/3 of the whole thing.
So has anyone glossed his eyes? Seems like it would give him a bit more realism... but I'm too chicken to mess with him :lol

I actually messed up one of mine's eyes (I barely touched it and the paint/sticker/whatever started fading away! :monkey4) So I sent it to get the eyes repainted and glossed over, etc. If it comes out good like I hope I'll post some pics.
Damn... glad I wasn't feeling ambitious with the clear coat! I would be cursing myself to the high heavens if I made his eye fade away :lol Guess it will have to be good enough as-is :lecture

And the eyes do have some shine, but not as much as the lips... so they don't pop as much as they could.
The quality of the eyes is the one sad part of the foam-latex construction of him, whatever process they used to add the eyes isn't as nice as the polystone busts.
Yeah, its definitely a trade-off. I like the realistic skin texture and feel, but the dull eyes could be improved.
My Yoda Life size bust horror story!

So I found a SSC Yoda Life Size Bust listed on Amazon as new in box. I didn't pay the original price for the bust it was more, but I've always said if I could find the older busts I'd buy them no matter the cost, if it wasn't over $1,000.00.
Well it arrived on Wednesday night and I was horrified when I looked at it!
There was NO shipping box. They seller shipped it in the box with all the art work on it and that's it! The top was wrapped in clear packing tape. The shipping label was on the side, the rear of the box was split on one side,when I opened the top,once I cut thru all that tape,and the back of the box fell open. The foam packaging was clearly cut open and one piece was put on the top. The only plus is the bust wasn't damaged. I know it wasn't new either because there was a yellow post it note on the name plate that read "Please do not touch. So now I also know it was displayed in a store some where too, that the public could reach it.
If I was a die hard collector or wanted to give this bust as a gift I couldn't due to the poor shape of the box.
Here are some pics of the box.
Look at the amount of tape on this thing! This is how it was shipped!

I was in shock!

Not happy at all!

This was cut all the way down to the bottom!

Needless to say I left the seller on amazon negative feedback.

Also if anyone can find the thread for the Yoda life size bust thread please post the link. I did a search and nothing came up.
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Re: My Yoda Life size bust horror story!

Given the bust was fine, I'm not sure I would've given the seller a negative. Probably a neutral with a ding on not being collector friendly. But in the end the product itself was fine. Many people outside of our niche don't appreciate things like the original shipper, nor do they understand the importance of a mint art box. :huh