How come you and a few others want this forum to be your own personal hugbox so bad? I don't get it. This forum used to be fun because of the variety, now we rag on each other saying there's something wrong with the other person because they don't share the same opinion we do.
Not everything is gleaming rays of sunshine and positivity. Not all of this stuff is good. A lot of these dolls, statues and movies we talk about really do indeed suck and there's nothing wrong with people thinking that. I'm sick of seeing uppity members on here put down other users for being "grumpy and jaded" or "counter culture" while hiding behind the "code of conduct" if their opinion or view point is challenged. From thinking a Green Lantern doll is rightfully garbage to ripping on a dumb summer blockbuster, I've seen some disgraceful actions come out of this place.
If some of us are jaded cynics that are just trying to be edgy by offering a different opinion, well then maybe some of the people that just love all this stuff are gullible, naive, idyllics that have no taste and follow a herd mentality? Only fair right? Who knows how Rogue One is going to turn out. Some people think it looks good, some people think it looks bad. We're all having a discussion about it. What gets me is it's always the people that are stary eyed for something they haven't even seen that get all pompous and catty when someone comes in and challenges how they feel at the moment. I never see "grumpy pandas" like RIDDICK rolling his eyes with an emoji or ragging on other members when someone posts gushy praise over something he doesn't think is good. How come he, and members like him aren't given the same respect. It's that old "complain about the complainers" mindset that is by far worse than any negativity,
Just keep it up Snoop, you and your ilk are pushing people on here away.