Sideshow 1st Marvel 1:6 - Deadpool

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what he end up charging for the suit??

correct... waitlist only puts you on a list in case one comes available.... it can happen quick, and i've seen guys get their conversions 4 months later! so its a crap shoot sometimes. but if you put in the order and find one down the road and it hasn't converted... just contact them to cancel the waitlist order.

thks! good to know its easy to cancel and i wont be forced to buy etc. im so anxious to get this fig but more i thought on it the more i realized for the price i might as well try and get headpool, get the most i can for that price etc

alos do want to know how much the recent suit by tony is. if not exact price ballpark at least?
have not ordered anythign direct via SS yet, so excuse the noob question-

if i sign up for ex on waitlist, does that mean i have to get one if they have one? like if i get tired of waiting and end up ordering reg ver via local retailer and then get word on a ex via waitlist can i cancel it?

wasnt that bothered bout headpool before just wanted the fig asap but i have waited long enough now so considering tryin for an ex.

Hey, illproxy! How have you been? I haven't been on Legion in a while; are long-time members like Darthy still active?

To answer your question: after submitting a reservation for a waitlisted item, you'll receive an order number that starts with "WC". If the item becomes available for your queue spot, SS will email you a notification of such. At that point, you have 48 hours to cancel the order if you wish. If I recall, however, the window of time is too short to cancel the item from your SS profile page, so if you wish to do so, you have to contact them directly, which is safest anyway. If you want to go through with the order, then just wait for the 48 hours to pass. The order number will become active and convert to something that starts with "TC," and your payment method will be charged immediately.

As a side note, the 48-hour system is arbitrary and should at least allow for a 72-hour window. I have, for example, received a "found-your-item" email at 23:00 on a Friday, so my 48-hour window was during the weekend, when no one at SS was working. I contacted them as soon as they opened at 08:30 on Monday, but the payment had already gone through because the transaction system is automated and takes place before SS's hours of operation. -___-"
Hey, illproxy! How have you been? I haven't been on Legion in a while; are long-time members like Darthy still active?

To answer your question: after submitting a reservation for a waitlisted item, you'll receive an order number that starts with "WC". If the item becomes available for your queue spot, SS will email you a notification of such. At that point, you have 48 hours to cancel the order if you wish. If I recall, however, the window of time is too short to cancel the item from your SS profile page, so if you wish to do so, you have to contact them directly, which is safest anyway. If you want to go through with the order, then just wait for the 48 hours to pass. The order number will become active and convert to something that starts with "TC," and your payment method will be charged immediately.

As a side note, the 48-hour system is arbitrary and should at least allow for a 72-hour window. I have, for example, received a "found-your-item" email at 23:00 on a Friday, so my 48-hour window was during the weekend, when no one at SS was working. I contacted them as soon as they opened at 08:30 on Monday, but the payment had already gone through because the transaction system is automated and takes place before SS's hours of operation. -___-"

yo Femtech :wave good to see ya! im good thks, and you?
not many long-time members active anymore sadly, darth is occasionally but in general participation by many is down to slow crawl. sucks. do miss the good ol' days lots.

cheers to the detailed info on waitlist, greatly appreciated :clap
yo Femtech :wave good to see ya! im good thks, and you?
not many long-time members active anymore sadly, darth is occasionally but in general participation by many is down to slow crawl. sucks. do miss the good ol' days lots.

cheers to the detailed info on waitlist, greatly appreciated :clap

That's too bad about the participation level; Legion used to be so much fun. I hope Ash is still dropping in now and then. I don't know if something happened to me or to him, but a lot of the new product designs don't call out to me like the older ones did. I didn't even get the WWR Mechanic, and I'm still not completely sure why. Perhaps I got burned out standing by for long-awaited figs like Casual Sham, the rest of the Shadow Family, Future Mort, the Martians, etc. A new de Plume or severed foot would pull me back in but likely not to the extent that I used to be. I understand why he created new lines, but I think the core three suffered from the introduction of others. But maybe I've been missing out on all the cool stuff because I haven't been keeping up; have there been interesting secret drops? What's your take on ThreeA lately?

Also: has anyone out there seen an attempt at cutting off Deadpool's spaulders yet?
Some more shots of Deadpool (totally forgot about Headpool :slap )

Great figure from Sideshow. They really put out a solid 1/6 collectible. Aside from the price gripes, this really is well done and worth adding to anyones 1/6 Marvel collection. Tons of expression on a figure that has no face.



It's a very nice looking figure. Much better than their $240 Pilot Luke. I still have price gripes as always, though.
It's a very nice looking figure. Much better than their $240 Pilot Luke. I still have price gripes as always, though.

I agree wholeheartedly and until SSC paintwork on human sculpts improves, they are going to get complaints on price versus final product.

This not being a human sculpt though, really shows where SSC has improved on what they were putting out not less than 3 years ago - improved body and tailoring.
the more i think i cant be bothered to wait for a ex ver, just wants me a 1/6 deadpool asap! :panic:

headpools not that cool... ;)

That's too bad about the participation level; Legion used to be so much fun. I hope Ash is still dropping in now and then. I don't know if something happened to me or to him, but a lot of the new product designs don't call out to me like the older ones did. I didn't even get the WWR Mechanic, and I'm still not completely sure why. Perhaps I got burned out standing by for long-awaited figs like Casual Sham, the rest of the Shadow Family, Future Mort, the Martians, etc. A new de Plume or severed foot would pull me back in but likely not to the extent that I used to be. I understand why he created new lines, but I think the core three suffered from the introduction of others. But maybe I've been missing out on all the cool stuff because I haven't been keeping up; have there been interesting secret drops? What's your take on ThreeA lately?

Also: has anyone out there seen an attempt at cutting off Deadpool's spaulders yet?

my take is spot on to yours. exactly. no more Ash on the boards, at least not visibly and interacting with us etc not like the old days when we would get bits of intel in the form of story details that would keep us all on edge of our seats in interest throwing money at the screen. when the board went down or was going down alot were upset that threeA was ok with it goin and we were told that the legion makes up for a very small part of sales these days and if we all(the legion) stopped buying it woudlnt even dent sales. it was clear we were obsolete now, this company we helped build up over the years had no need for us and i think many took it personally. it really fragmented the legion. we are lucky some of the mods agreed to do the unofficial board we have now. your not missing anything cool at all really. its same old in new scales like 3AGO and endless amounts of pascha(thats Ash workin with Siu) and TK's. Lines like AK, Evenfall and WWR or anything Popbot sans TK's are kinda forgotten and pushed aside for what seems to be big sellers across asia(been told thats were most of the business comes from now). Add to that shipping dates/estimates that are wayyy off and slipping QC is hard to stay interested. the 1/6 DD berties are cool got the second one inahnd recently, do like but its a case of sumthin that should have come out long ago. even tho is cool and im glad i got it but im like meh another bertie. the wow factor for me is all but vanished. to little too late for me. will not get another.

do come around more tho, there are a small few still hanging on and def can use more familiar faces around. :) so great to see ya here!
So I cancelled this guy because I couldn't afford him when he became available. I've been planning to get him when the next $20 discount code comes... I just saw him at my LCS for retail price, and he looks great!

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So I cancelled this guy because I couldn't afford him when he became available. I've been planning to get him when the next $20 discount code comes... I just saw him at my LCS for retail price, and he looks great!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I've seen him pop up for a few bucks cheaper on some other sites... I think midtown has it for 210... along w/ alter ego
This really looks fantastic. I've seen some great pictures and a few reviews on youtube, and I will probably pull the trigger on this release within the next couple of days. My only *minor* gripe is how the suit looks a tad baggy - but other than that, they nailed this. Tons of accessories, great head sculpts, and it just looks like such a fun piece to mess around with. Keep the pics coming guys!
Honestly it is a *tiny bit baggy... But it needs to be to get him set up right...

You'd never be able to get dynamic poses like this if it was any tighter... Even this was tough to achieve with it being a little giving:

Honestly it is a *tiny bit baggy... But it needs to be to get him set up right...

You'd never be able to get dynamic poses like this if it was any tighter... Even this was tough to achieve with it being a little giving:

Very true, I didn't even think about that aspect. Nonetheless, an amazing looking figure
I own this guy and dont understand the comments on him being baggy except a ton of pouches 4 him. This is one of sideshows best and eye catcher in the collection very happy with this release. Hater's u are missing out on a Amazing release.
my assumption of baggy is basically because we've all come to know DP with an outfit that is almost like its a second skin type suit... something like he's wearing a skin tight jump suit if that makes sense. whereas this figure is more of an outfit and it has more thickness to it vs. something like a skin tight spandex would have... which leads to it not being tightly wrapped to his body and not form fitting. if you look at my leaping pose above... the arms for instance... or to quote mr. burgandy in his "crotchal region"... a tiny bit baggy...
Well if that's what they are reffering to as baggy crotch part thats just a matter of futzing. A minor thing and if puts u off then wow idk what to say lol.