Things I Hate

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When a person gets out of jail or prison and then starts preaching to everyone about religion and basically will not shut the ____ up. What gets me is who are they to go around lecturing people and telling them they are going to hell when these people never committed a violent crime and never been locked up unlike these phony ******-bags. Do yourself a favor and preach to yourself buddy and pray that you don't get back into trouble again.

lol religion generally bugs me.
Going on the Best Buy or Future Shop site and the item you want says in stock, then you call to make sure, but the idiots who work there don't answer the phone so you drive there to find the item is out of stock.
I think their brains are scrambled enough to produce this chain of reasoning: 1) I am fighting for human rights 2) blacks in the south were fighting for human rights 3) racists in the south used firehoses against those protesters 4) this guy wants to use firehoses on me. Conclusion: he is a racist.

I realize that logic has as much to do with that string of words as their movement has to do with human rights (i.e., none), but having observed these dingbats for years, I think it's an accurate representation of how they 'think'.

But 2 + 2 =/= -6 :cuckoo:

When a person gets out of jail or prison and then starts preaching to everyone about religion and basically will not shut the ____ up. What gets me is who are they to go around lecturing people and telling them they are going to hell when these people never committed a violent crime and never been locked up unlike these phony ******-bags. Do yourself a favor and preach to yourself buddy and pray that you don't get back into trouble again.

I have a theory about that. It's good for parole reasons, and being in church gives them something to do other than getting raped in the showers. It's a momentary habit that'll fade in a few years. My uncle went through the same phase. :lol

Did you place the order for in store pickup?

If not, should have. . . .

:lecture:rotfl:lecture:rotfl:lecture :exactly::goodpost:
Radical just means consistent. If the principles you commit to are rational in the first place, then anything less than radicalism will only serve to dilute your rationality. The reason why most radicals are wingnuts is because the place they start from makes no sense. The only reason they stand out more than moderates is because a moderate is the product of attempting to avoid radicalism. They compromise all extremes, but the truth is an extreme, and instead of being extremely wrong (like the irrational radical) they end up standing for nothing whatsoever.

I hate those Education Connection commercials.

My niece hates them too.
People who say 'chunked' when they are talking about throwing things. You 'chuck it' you don't chunk it. Chunk is a fat kid.