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Fixing roads that do not need repaired and potholes.
Eh, I'd rather them do that instead of waiting until the road does need work.

Agreed. I've got a lot of stuff I'd love to replace with empty space and money but I need to go to ebay or try to sell locally and I dread the process so much. I cannot summon the will.
I've got some things listed on here but no one's interested, I'd have to drop price quite a bit to catch an impulse buyer here and even then I'd probably still receive offers rather than straight up purchases. From what I hear though ebay is almost exactly the ****ing same.
Yeah, feel the same about e.Bay and it sure gets tedious getting lowballed all the time. Also weird how many people get to the point of purchasing and then don't send the payment and stop responding. My impression is a lot of people in this hobby can't really afford it.
In the last 3 weeks I've sold $5k worth of collectibles on here and eBay, and the vast majority of the transactions went quick and easy. Any issues I've had have been on eBay and all of them involved people with feedback of 10 or less. The one thing I wish eBay would let you do as a seller is block people with a certain amount of feedback. -1 is the highest they'll let you automatically block and that's a joke.

What kind of problems have you had on eBay? I need to sell quite a few things and I'm so nervous about it. I've never sold anything big or expensive.
What kind of problems have you had on eBay? I need to sell quite a few things and I'm so nervous about it. I've never sold anything big or expensive.

More annoyances than problems--mainly a lot of people messaging crazy low offers and trying to give me reasons I should sell that low. Make sure you take good quality pictures and list any defect, whether it's big or small, so bidders know exactly what they're getting. I'd rather they were pleasantly surprised when they get the figure because it's not as bad as they were expecting than think they're getting a perfect figure and one blemish makes them want a partial/full refund. If you do buy it now auctions don't hold anything for anyone no matter when they say they'll pay. I required immediate payment on all mine but had a bunch of people message me to ask if I'd close the auction so they could pay later or buy it then not want to pay until the next week. I had to relist one figure because the guy said he'd pay in 4 days after hitting the buy it now button. Four days came and went, I messaged him about it, and he said he couldn't pay because something came up.
More annoyances than problems--mainly a lot of people messaging crazy low offers and trying to give me reasons I should sell that low. Make sure you take good quality pictures and list any defect, whether it's big or small, so bidders know exactly what they're getting. I'd rather they were pleasantly surprised when they get the figure because it's not as bad as they were expecting than think they're getting a perfect figure and one blemish makes them want a partial/full refund. If you do buy it now auctions don't hold anything for anyone no matter when they say they'll pay. I required immediate payment on all mine but had a bunch of people message me to ask if I'd close the auction so they could pay later or buy it then not want to pay until the next week. I had to relist one figure because the guy said he'd pay in 4 days after hitting the buy it now button. Four days came and went, I messaged him about it, and he said he couldn't pay because something came up.

Sell, sell, sell! Damn Zod, looks like you ordering a lot from your signature.
Yeah, feel the same about e.Bay and it sure gets tedious getting lowballed all the time. Also weird how many people get to the point of purchasing and then don't send the payment and stop responding. My impression is a lot of people in this hobby can't really afford it.

I always pay immediately and was shocked that not everyone does. I had someone send me a nasty message because I opened a claim for nonpayment on the first day I was able to, (is it 5 or 7 days?).
Somehow I was a jerk for expecting to get paid for my item they bought

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I always pay immediately and was shocked that not everyone does. I had someone send me a nasty message because I opened a claim for nonpayment on the first day I was able to, (is it 5 or 7 days?).
Somehow I was a jerk for expecting to get paid for my item they bought

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I always pay as soon as I win. Is there still an option where you can list it that way? I remember winning auctions in the past that had to be paid immediately.
Paid in 3-5 days is fair. A week is long. Certainly file after a week. Mr. Green never had an issue with this.

If I'm not paid within 20 minutes I just assume the buyer is a horrible person and will end up not paying

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The only time I didn't pay for something immediately was when I was waiting for other auctions by the same seller to finish so I could pay for everything in one go. And I messaged the seller to ask if that was OK with him.
The only time I didn't pay for something immediately was when I was waiting for other auctions by the same seller to finish so I could pay for everything in one go. And I messaged the seller to ask if that was OK with him.

Same here. I don't understand any reason to wait when you're paying with PayPal anyway. I can only figure that some don't have the money in their accounts to cover it and have to move money. I always use a credit card.