TPM- The sixth best SW Movie shown some love

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The thing about CG special effects is that it will ALWAYS be outdated. It will ALWAYS be something that pulls the viewer out of the film. It will always need to be redone because technology moves so fast. "Oh that's fake." is always what's said. Will it ever get to the point where the CG won't need to be replaced? Maybe. Things like space battles certainly don't need to be, but even Battle Droids are starting to look like they weren't really there. CG Jabba never looks better than the real thing.

Doing things practical is basically the BEST way to do it. It takes longer. It might be more expensive. But wow, when you see it on film, it's REAL. Puppet Yoda will always be more expressive than CG Yoda. I dunno why. CG Yoda is just TOO detailed. Our eyes aren't made to see that much detail and when we see it on the big screen next to a real life character without as much detail, we catch it.

TPM is definitely the best executed prequel though. This is not my opinion. It is FACT. It's okay to prefer watching ep3 (or even ep2) than this one. But when it comes down to it, we all wanted so much more oomph in ep2 and ep3.

ep1 is closest to perfection than ep2 and ep3 can ever be. Sadly.
It has come to my attention as of late that i much more enjoy watching TPM than any of the other SW prequels. When ROTS came out i thought it was the best prequel but as far as replay value goes i like TPM more. Yes the JJ stuff sucks but i like the rest of it more than any of the other prequels. (especially the music from beginning to end) As a whole i'm still a bit let down with the prequels but i still do enjoy them.

TPM is my favorite PT movie. There i said it!!!
I easily put TPM over AOTC or ROTS....I loved the last 30 minutes of TPM....great sequences and Maul rocked.
It has come to my attention as of late that i much more enjoy watching TPM than any of the other SW prequels. When ROTS came out i thought it was the best prequel but as far as replay value goes i like TPM more. Yes the JJ stuff sucks but i like the rest of it more than any of the other prequels. (especially the music from beginning to end) As a whole i'm still a bit let down with the prequels but i still do enjoy them.

TPM is my favorite PT movie. There i said it!!!

I totally agree. I think a lot of people felt a little betrayed by TPM (which is understandable), and they let that disappointment color their view of the film. That's not to say that it doesn't have some issues (Jar Jar being the most egregious example), but it's my favorite of the prequels.
The tone set by AOTC has carried well onto this day, through ROTS and the CW spinoffs. AOTC broke away with many of the subtleties established in TPM. And I don't think it's just because of the 10 year gap in the storyline.
My TPM dvd is scratched to non working condition due to my kid a few years back. I suppose i should wait for the inevitable blu-ray or new edition of it. Next year blu-ray 10th anv. would be cool.
In retrospect, TPM does feel more like a SW movie in many ways. It's still profoundly flawed and difficult to watch at times, but I too find myself appreciating it more these days.

And it actually has sense of nostalgia now as well.
TPM does have more of a star warsy feel to it. (IMO)

Lines like "theres always a bigger fish" Made me feel that way i guess.

10 years almost already. DAMN!!
The best prequel!!


(think i'm gonna set aside a night soon have a few cocktails and enjoy this one again)


I saw it 2-3 times in the cinema. I think its 3 times, I can't remember because I watch it on VCD, DVD several more times after that.

We all have our like and dislikes for this movie but I like it a lot. I just don't like JJ Binks.

The movie have some of the best moments in cinematic history. Who doesn't enjoy the pod race?

However, if not for the 5th Element. The Coruscant scene would have been mighty sweet too.

And for one who grew up with Hong Kong swordsmen/kungfu or whatever they are called movies. I have to say that the short but totally intense fight scene between Maul, Obi and Gui Gon is the best I ever seen on any movies, tv or live performances anywhere. Of course besides the Yoda/Dooku on Ep2 and the Ep3 fights.

I read Lucas actually tries to engage some Hong Kong stunt choreographers for the fight scenes but darn, Nick Gillard's the ultimate and perfect choice and I think HK movie industry should hired him for their fight scenes.

It may not be one of the greatest movie ever made but its a clear story of the childhood of Anakin.

I hope to have a PF of Padme in that funky red gown. Man, that is Star Wars icon!
TPM is one of my favorites. I may be among the minority but I thought the pod race was too long. I really didn't like it overall and I always fast forward thru it whenever I watch the movie.
I'm trying to find the arrival at coruscant music. (even a midi or mp3) I don't think it's on the regular soundtrack.(which rocks BTW)
TPM is my favorite. If you can ignore Jar Jar and most of kid Anakin(Or you could just get the 'Phantom Edit' DVD and it cuts out most of it for you), it's pretty good with great performances by Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor and all the others.

I'd easily rank it best Prequel, with ROTS second and AOTC last.
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Wow. I feel like I stepped in to a nine-year time slip into the past. TPM was a cheap, cheesy, lame, ridiculous excuse for an attempt at a Star Wars movie when you factor in that it was done by the same man who did the first three movies. I would be a lot more forgiving if it was done by a totally different person. For this very reason, I see the books, comics, and games as being more "Star Wars" than the PT.

That being said, there WERE a few flashes of complete brilliance that came from the movie. They are:

1) Darth Maul
2) Young Obi-Wan
3) Qui-Gon Jinn
4) Double-bladed lightsabers
5) Naboo Starfighters (despite one of my bigger gripes about the PT)
6) Some super-cool costumes (same disclaimer as above)

I say that about the Naboo Starfighters because one of my bigger complaints (after many others such as lousy acting and banal storyline), is that the tecnnology looked more advanced, even though it was supposed to be 32 years earlier. an apparent complete contradiction, I can say that as a stand-alone movie...I liked it. I even liked Jar-Jar Binks for what he easter egg directed at GL's children. But I have to not think about it as a Star Wars movie when I am watching it as there are too many continuum botches that are grotesquely obvious.