TPM- The sixth best SW Movie shown some love

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I say that about the Naboo Starfighters because one of my bigger complaints (after many others such as lousy acting and banal storyline), is that the tecnnology looked more advanced, even though it was supposed to be 32 years earlier.
32 years is nothing in the SW universe. Things in the OT resembled the "dark times"

But anyways.....The only REAL problem i have with the prequels was that we never got any of this type of magic. (some moments may have been close) But this is what SW is to me. From beginning to end best 5 min in all of movie making IMO.

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Yes, technology was supposed to be more advanced back in the "golden age" of the jedi, as opposed to the "dark times" of the empire. I don't see how you can hold that against the movie.
Gotta say, seeing Kenobi and his master force run was almost worth the price of admission alone.
32 years is nothing in the SW universe. Things in the OT resembled the "dark times"

But anyways.....The only REAL problem i have with the prequels was that we never got any of this type of magic. (some moments may have been close) But this is what SW is to me. From beginning to end best 5 min in all of movie making IMO.

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Couldn't agree more.
And i also gotta say my little 6 year old girl is giggling well like a little school girl at JJ right now.(like she smoked a blunt giggling) Maybe George knew what he was doing after all.

Keeps telling me how much she likes him. (and Boss Nass)

Thats a great point, Krayt.

One time at one of the showings, I passed some young kids. The one says "I love JarJar. He's SO funny"! And he MEANT it.

Then he pointed out that Anakin is going to become Darth Vader. The other kid says, "I didn't know that".
The difference is the Original Trilogy consists of a timeless classic that appeals to all ages, children and adults. That was true back then and it is today. The prequels seem to be targeted solely for the youngsters. But as for the wooden dialog along with 'Yippees' and 'NoOoOoOs', I'm not sure what age bracket that is for! :horror
Couldn't disagree more. For the adults, the political maneuverings are amazing, especially showcasing Sidious' subtleties and deftness and manipulating people and situations.

Plus as been pointed out before in this thread, a lightsaber battle, where for the first time we saw Jedi and Sith with no other agenda than killing their opponent. And thats just TPM, not to mention the others, including ROTS, which had more "adult fare" than perhaps any other film of the Saga.
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Dunno if I posted on this thread already but I would say that Jar Jar Binks made the only difference between us liking and hating this episode. I hated that lizard sonoverbeach if you ask me. Overall, I did like the movie enough to watch it a second time in the cinema.

My dislike for Ep1:

1. Neimodians (spell) They could design better looking aliens than that!
2. N1 Fighter
3. Too much ugly alien designs (Watto, the 2 headed announcer for the race and a crap load of other uglies on Tatooine!
4. Neimodian capital ships
5. Gungans/Jar Jar Bink

However, I have more likes than dislikes for the rest of EP1 tho.
Great post.For me the moving of the Chess piecess to set up later movies were my favorite parts of the movie.I did like seeing Coruscant for the 1st time the birthplace of the Emipre pretty darn cool also seeing seeing Obi/Qui Gon actual young Jedi in action equally cool not to mention all the other Jedi we've only heard about.Young Anakin decent introduction to a charactor we've never really known.But seeing the corrupt Senate that was dissoved during EIV because fear will keep the local systems in line.The introduction of the Palpy as the Emperor & his behind the scenes actions to cause havoc & use the Senate against itself to slowly gain power was what I was always curious about.
10 years ago we could hardly wait.

10 ^^^^ing years already!!!

Still my favorite prequel!
Great memories from TPM. I saw i 7 times in theatres and I'm not a geek, believe it or not. I think this movie was fun and a good entry to the SW series.:maul >:vader
It was done live, then redone with a green screen, then using the latest technolgy, we were able to RECREATE the live scene, and make it 10 times better, and more realistic.
after watching HBO's ROME, i think George would have been better off going this route for the prequels... a weekly tv series of 24 episodes.
Two awsome scenes

1. Still IMO the best lightsaber dual in the saga - Oi-Wan vs Maul

2. Palpatine to Anakin - " we will watch your career with great intrest"