TPM- The sixth best SW Movie shown some love

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Yup the more and more i think about it, the more and more i think this is my favorite prequel. (with 3 close behind)
No matter how much I try I just can't muster up much love for TPM. Other than Maul it was total trash. The stupid Asian accents, Anakin built 3PO (give me a break,) the lame introduction of R2 and all of Jake Lloyd and Jar Jar. UGH.
I even like Jar Jar. :eek:

There are really only 2 things I have ever disliked about this movie. 1 is big and 1 is incredibly small.

The big one is MIDI F'n CLORIANS.

The small one is that weird voice of the ship captain at the start of the film. ?
I still think of it as the 2nd best prequel... I really don't like AOTC, and ROTS is the better of the 3.
I even like Jar Jar. :eek:

There are really only 2 things I have ever disliked about this movie. 1 is big and 1 is incredibly small.

The big one is MIDI F'n CLORIANS.

Midiclorians were a bad one...

Too me the biggest deal breaker is the insanely long pod race... just too much of a so-so concept. Not to mention the insipid 2 headed announcer :rolleyes:
No matter how much I try I just can't muster up much love for TPM. Other than Maul it was total trash. The stupid Asian accents, Anakin built 3PO (give me a break,) the lame introduction of R2 and all of Jake Lloyd and Jar Jar. UGH.

That boy's grown! :eek:

If I sit down and count up all the dumb things in TPM, it would seem like a terrible movie. (Just off of the top of my head: midi-chlorians, Jar Jar's way of speaking, the accents of many of the aliens, fart jokes, etc.) But I'm able to ignore those and see the good parts -- and there are a LOT of really cool things in it, in my opinion.

The music is amazing, as is the costume and set design. It set up the entire world of the prequels -- how the Jedi looked, acted, and fought -- and for the most part I find that to be fantastic. I even love the pod race, even though it is a little long perhaps. And how awesome is the duel between Obi-wan, Qui-Gonn and Darth Maul? I get the impression that a lot of people are so used to a lot of this stuff now that they take it for granted, and just focus on the many flaws. For me, there's still more than enough cool stuff in there. I'd much rather watch it than Attack of the Clones with its painful romantic dialog.
For me, the Pod Race was actually a scene that I felt was classic SW type fun. I actually like the longer cut on the DVD too.

I will still default to TPM if I feel like a PT fix. I will occassionaly put on AOTC but I always skip to very specific parts. I've watched AOTC from beginning to end only 3 or 4 times.
I watched the prequels over the weekend for the first time in a long time and reallly enjoyed them. TPM is nowhere near as bad as I thought it was when I first saw it. For a long time I could not watch it but it is is actually quite and enjoyable film.

Attack of the Clones is still hard to watch in places but it does pick up a little in some places.

I think they all suffered from never being able to satisfy the expectation that was placed on them.
We really need more TPM figures out of Sideshow. Personally, I hope the next military figures are Naboo figures, even over generic Hoth guys.
The music is amazing, as is the costume and set design. It set up the entire world of the prequels -- how the Jedi looked, acted, and fought -- and for the most part I find that to be fantastic. I even love the pod race, even though it is a little long perhaps. And how awesome is the duel between Obi-wan, Qui-Gonn and Darth Maul? I get the impression that a lot of people are so used to a lot of this stuff now that they take it for granted, and just focus on the many flaws. For me, there's still more than enough cool stuff in there. I'd much rather watch it than Attack of the Clones with its painful romantic dialog.

Have to agree... there is so much kickass stuff going on in TPM that it is possible to overlook some of the painfully bad stuff. If you watch as a whole it really does live up to expectations. But there are some parts that create some stumbling blocks to being as good as it could have been.