Who had the upper hand, Mace or Palpatine?

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Who had the upper hand?

  • Mace, he would have destroyed the Sith if not for Anakin

    Votes: 74 58.7%
  • Palpatine, giving the illusion of losing was all part of his plan

    Votes: 52 41.3%

  • Total voters
I guess that's the great thing about that scene, you end being as confused as Anakin. Is he really in pain? Is he faking? What should I do?

Under my point of view, if you watch the saga in numerical order, and you are a SW noob, the ambiguity of that fight and Anakin turn to the Dark Side makes you believe Anakin is not the Chosen one. By the time you watch ANH, you start to think that maybe Luke is the Chosen one. Only when Vader throws Palpatine down the elevator shaft you realize Anakin was the Chosen one all the time and he only had to accept his destiny.
he forgot to mention pre-cyborg vader would get his butt kicked by obi-wan.


Yes but Palpatine said WILL BE (in the future) more powerful than them... Obi had much more experience than Anakin and he gets mutilated by Obi Wan cause of his overconfidence in himself.
Yes but Palpatine said WILL BE (in the future) more powerful than them... Obi had much more experience than Anakin and he gets mutilated by Obi Wan cause of his overconfidence in himself.

So? he was still wrong in the end about a great many things. Palpatine/Darkside lovers will make any excuse for him.

Sorry, but that was funny. :wave

I nkow, I feel so much like a giant nerd, I want drown myself in the 2 gallon bucket of Mountain Dew I should be drinking

"Darth Vader will be more powerful than either of us." - Palpatine to Yoda ROTS

So um, yeah. :cool:

And he said everything which HAD transpired not WOULD transpire.

Pre-Cybord vader has the POTENTIAL of becoming more power then either of them

:yuck :yuck :yuck

Do not remind me of that vile EU stuff.

WHAAAAAAAA! The EU is great, some of the stories even rival the OT IMO; you should give them more of a chance.
dark empire is a good story, one of the less cheasy early starwars comics.

still cheasy, but a mild ghooda or montery jacks as opposed to 3 week old limbirger. :eek:

and yes, i DO consider it part of the continuity. look at my avatar for goodness sake! :rock
Better pic, and here is a quote from Shai

Now, that is a great Luke from Dark Empire,Wich was a good comic by the way.
Anakin was always the Chosen One, but the Jedi were too arrogant to realize the will of the Force. In order to bring "Balance" to the Force , BOTH the Jedi and Sith had to be "rebooted" if you will, for Luke to establish the New Order of the Jedi.

Anakin was the Chosen one who was doing the will of the Force and NOT whatever path the Jedi Order "thought" he should be following to achieve his goals as the Chosen one.

By AOTC, the Jedi Order had reached their apex of arrogance and had engulfed themselves into running a major intergalactic War. If you remember, in TPM ,Qui-Gon Jinn told the Queen that they could protect her, but not fight a war for her. Qui-Gon was more in tune with the Force , than perhaps other Jedi of his day. Qui-Gon knew the score, if you will, eventually he became Master to his Master!

Anyway that's the way I always saw the whole Chosen one question, and in regards of Mace vs. Palpatine, it doesn't really matter who was beating who , because eventually it was the will of the Force that Palpatine walk out of that office alive. The Irony of it all was that as much as everyone had been a pawn to the Emperor's plans, no one was a bigger pawn than himself, despite all of his hatred for the Jedi, he was one of the major role players in the re-establishment of a new Jedi Order!
This is a joke right? Mace had Palpatine the whole time. Mace is not only a Master Jedi, but also a master of the dark arts.... he had Palpatine beaten until Anakin the puss interfered.
It was a CYBORG Vader who killed Palpatine. Ergo the CYBORG Vader was more powerful than Palpatine, yo. :emperor

:monkey1:monkey1:monkey1:monkey4 Cyborg Vader came up from behind Palpy and chucked him into a pit. That can HARDLY be considered "defeating" him.

As for the chosen one business; Yoda says in the novel of RoTS that the sith evolved and changed over time while the Jedi didn't, and thus the Jedi were unprepared to counter the Sith. And bringing "balance" was just misintrepreted by not meaning killing all jedi so that there were only a couple left (yoda, luke, vader, palpy). But that in itself is wrong, there were tons of Jedi that survived the great jedi purge, but I digress (little plot hole my lucas, but I can forgive it)
Anyone read Mace's Clone Wars novel "Shatterstar"? It shows just how powerful Mace Windu was. Once I read it, I knew that Mace would have opened a can of whoop ass and sprayed it all over Palpatine, no question.
This is a joke right? Mace had Palpatine the whole time. Mace is not only a Master Jedi, but also a master of the dark arts.... he had Palpatine beaten until Anakin the puss interfered.

Vaapad is one of the worst contributions made by the EU to the SW Universe. A Jedi using the Dark Side? Let me see. Do you mean a Sith right? On top of everything else, Vaapad doesn´t even exist in the movies, Nick Gillard confirmed that time ago.