1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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yes just feel your way around where the wire is and feed it`s way down the bottom of the tunic to when you can see the wire sticking out. it might get a little tricky as the wire is really thin

I did that but I can't seem to get it to poke out of the material -- I think it keeps bending. I'll keep at it if there's no trick.
I know some of the collectors on here dislike the hands. I had some of the old ss ANH vader hands I cut them in half and used the gloved hand part then used the ht wrist pegs in the glove hand part and there not as shiny and look more like a glove instead of some boney figures
just keep working at it that`s what I had to do and cussing at the same time G**damit
So how long is this activator switch wire exactly? I'd like to have mine hanging out the back of the figure too but that would be pointless if you have to take the batteries out & re-insert them every time - is that on EVERY HT figure or just some? I've used mine once, but after I futzed him I couldn't find/reach the switch under all those layers - I will find a way to make it work for me (pulling wires out/extending the switch through his clothing etc) But it will ALL be for nothing if I've got to remove/re-insert the batteries every damn time! Anybody know?

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My soundfeature doesn't work anymore.

Checked batteries, changed batteries... no effect.
Meh... :/

Strange figure.
I know some of the collectors on here dislike the hands. I had some of the old ss ANH vader hands I cut them in half and used the gloved hand part then used the ht wrist pegs in the glove hand part and there not as shiny and look more like a glove instead of some boney figures

I'd like to see that. I had the same plan as you.
Still waiting for SS to send mine.
Concerning the voice function, after the 15 min. time-out on my Vader I had to remove the batteries, re-insert them, and wait a few mins. before it would work again. No idea why. When I first re-inserted the batteries and it didn't work, I was ready to call SSC. But when I came back to it again, it worked. I can't explain why that it is.

Anyway, just wanted to share my experience for those who think their voice feature is busted; you may want to take another look. Take out the batteries, put them back in and wait a good 20 mins. or so. Then flip the switch back on. Make sure you have the batteries in correctly, and the switches are off on the figure and remote before re-inserting. This is what worked for me the two times I let the 15 min. time-out happen.
Just ordered from SS with $40 in rewards. Hopefully they ship soon, but I'm okay with waiting to drop that money. :)
Yeh, housing the whole system inside a forearm is pretty cool :) I doubt I'll use it much though given it's a bit of a hassle to switch out the arms.

I have the Obi Wan and it isn't too bad, so I thought it's a neat attempt on the "lit up" lightsaber everyone wants. But I haven't played with the HT vader so not sure how easy that is, maybe it's a little different...

I fixed my first switch a few month's ago (housed inside my kid's fluffy toy) and I felt like a genius. I'm not going to overestimate my skills with a soldering iron to take on a $300 figure though.

It's really as easy as your kid's toy! You can't really mess anything up... I mean I'd need to take a close look at how the switch is attached, but worse case would be you melting plastic for soldering sloppy. Otherwise should be pretty easy to swap the switch for something larger or wire it and relocate the switch.

I haven't seen any pics of the back of the suit - I'm wondering why they didn't just use a strip of velcro down the back of the suit that could be easily separated to access the switch.

In 2016 I'd expect an app-driven sound function. I'd spend hours of my work day making Vader sound like 3PO, Chewbacca, Jabba ... and talk to my colleagues only via the voice function.
Man that's the best damn idea I've ever heard on this forum. hahaha
Concerning the voice function, after the 15 min. time-out on my Vader I had to remove the batteries, re-insert them, and wait a few mins. before it would work again. No idea why. When I first re-inserted the batteries and it didn't work, I was ready to call SSC. But when I came back to it again, it worked. I can't explain why that it is.

Anyway, just wanted to share my experience for those who think their voice feature is busted; you may want to take another look. Take out the batteries, put them back in and wait a good 20 mins. or so. Then flip the switch back on. Make sure you have the batteries in correctly, and the switches are off on the figure and remote before re-inserting. This is what worked for me the two times I let the 15 min. time-out happen.

I thought all you had to do was flip the switch off then back on again? Are you sure you need to remove and reinsert batteries? That sounds like it makes no sense at all. I think you just need to reset the board to take the board out of sleep mode, so just try flipping switch off then on again.
I have the Obi Wan and it isn't too bad, so I thought it's a neat attempt on the "lit up" lightsaber everyone wants. But I haven't played with the HT vader so not sure how easy that is, maybe it's a little different...
Same set-up but a lot more of a nuisance on Vader. Obi-Wan and Luke's clothes hang a bit loose whereas Vader you're fighting the gauntlet and the body suit doesn't slide up the arm as far so just removing the arm was a pain. But in the end I got it and was actually most impressed with the Vader saber, the rich red they used is pretty nice.
Seeing as I'll probably just stick with my SS Deluxe Vader until Hot Toys releases an ESB version, does anyone know of a place where I can get a nice ESB/RoTJ light up Darth Vader lightsaber for use with the SS Deluxe Vader?
I thought all you had to do was flip the switch off then back on again? Are you sure you need to remove and reinsert batteries? That sounds like it makes no sense at all. I think you just need to reset the board to take the board out of sleep mode, so just try flipping switch off then on again.

Yeah, I definitely tried that. Like I said, I was ready to contact Sideshow about the issue, but after waiting a few minutes it started working again. Maybe the time-out needs a time-out to disengage it. Bizarre whatever it is.

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