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I think that's the point; they're gaming to ultimately swap out the whole team. But that is an absolute necessity to keep this series going. It keeps it unique and accurate. As long as they stagger the switch, and not do it all at once, I see no reason for them not to do it.

James bond is a little different because I'm pretty comfortable that everyone has accepted (consciously or subliminally) that James Bond is an MI6 name, and that it isn't technically the same person. That's how we justify a "new bond".
Yes and no. There are support characters that have carried over in the Bond films, and there has been some continuity - concepts and villains reimagined (such as Bloefeld and SPECTRE most recently). Even Judy Dench as M carried over from Brosnan to Craig reboots. So a new Iron Man film would be more like a Bond film, but yes it's true that the Avengers is an ensemble cast - so you'd definitely want to introduce a new Iron Man in his own flick to get the intro out of the way than introduce a new actor in an Avengers movie... though it's possible it could work; look at Bruce Banner and how that all worked out.

I agree that Iron Man doesn't have to be in a new Avengers film after RDJ leaves, but a lot of it really depends on who will still be around after the next 2 Avengers films; you don't want to just take characters and actors away and replace them with new actors playing old characters - unless you are going to do an ensemble "reboot" (for lack of a better term, even though it wouldn't really be a reboot - but that's what it would feel like if they replace all the actors at once). Maybe instead, introduce a new Avengers Team because maybe Thanos has devastated most of the originals.

Personally I like the gutsy choice, get rid of most of the old team, keep one or two as carry overs to a completely new Avengers team - give some new guys a chance. Use Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Dr. Strange and Black Panther as the "heart" of the new team and add all new characters - maybe Falcon can help them transition or be part of that team. Dump the rest. I would miss the rest, but you know the saying - no guts no glory. Create an all new team to keep it fresh - don't give it a chance to get stale.

Also, Bucky Cap!
Ignoring the Craig films, the Bond films have no attachments whatsoever. It's essentially a 'reboot' with every film.

And no, James Bond is a character with a personality, traits, a certain look. Going on that logic anybody could play him.
Except for craig cuz he sucks.

Not sure if you're sarcastic because he's actually one of my Bonds. He relies on old-fashioned espionage skill, rather than a lot of high-tech gadgets, and certainly not afraid to get his hands dirty. Although he can be ruthless, he's not completely devoid of his humanity, and we see his struggles quite a bit. I think he gave the character a lot more depth than previous portrayals, of course the writing has a lot to do with it too.
Its just my opinion but i really think craig is a terrible bond. I grew up watching Roger Moore myself and still like him best, but i do love Connery and Brosnan as well. I have all the bond films minus the craig ones, dont care for them. I dont like the whole serious tone that the craig ones have.
With Cap it was a vast majority that liked Aou suit over the ws, plus the issues with the figure. I have not heard anywhere near as many 46 over 45 comments.
With Cap it was a vast majority that liked Aou suit over the ws, plus the issues with the figure. I have not heard anywhere near as many 46 over 45 comments.

Good point! As I recall, I was debating whether to order Stealth Cap when I heard about the posability issues and how the AOU Cap looks better...
I am not getting 46 no matter what! 45 or bust!
That could all change after the movie comes out. I have this on PO but i am 99% sure i will get the 46 also......even if it is $$$
It could change. Anything is possible. But I think a lot of people care more about the appearance or look of the figure then the story behind it. They could sub in any armor and get the exact same story, but the look is unique to each suit. If you follow. So to me I could care less how important it is in the film or what he does in it. All the suits can pretty much do the same if they wanted. If stark wore the mk4 in age of ultron no one would think it's totally crazy. What separates the suits is the appearance more then the story. Make sense? I mean Steve Rodgers is still Cap in each suit, the only true difference is how it looks and if it's one you like. Same with iron man. They could easily fit any suit into any story. But there's always going to be an aesthetic that each person preferred over others.

I will get the 46 mms when it's released as well. But I think the 45 is a much better looking armor. I think it's one of the best suits period. Probably numbe 2 overall on my list. I know some people prefer the 42 or 43 over it. Then the classic mk3 or mk4/6. But you hardly ever hear that the 46 is a top suit. It could become a better known and liked suit if it's got some cool gimmick in the film. But for me, unless the figure actually does the thing, that gimmick, then it's moot. That's just how I look at it though.

I do think the 46 will have the best low light or night shelf presence to date though. All those little leds.
That makes sense and I undertand that appearance is important. If i really cared how suits looked in a movie i would not have War Machine from IM3 and all the other armors that had a second or two of screen time :lol. But to some collectors screen time is important.
Man... I used to want them to remake Mark VI in die cast, so I could have a chance to get it...but if they ever made it in 1/4. *Drool*