1/6 Hot Toys - MMS - Star Wars: Episode V ESB - Yoda Collectible Figure

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I got a really good deal on my DX07. I think it was under $300 for the full set (I wanna say like $275 or so) from someone on the boards. Not sure if I'd rebuy a new version of that outfit unless Hot Toys puts something really enticing in with a set of it. I guess I could get a spare to put with Yoda for training with his jacket off.
BESPIN Luke is 100% time better than the recent ANH Tom Cruise! I have and love my DX (miss the whole DX opening experience) my only issues are the exposed wrist joints if you want dynamic poses!
This is a pass for you but the Picard head isn't. Not saying Picard is perfect but this is bloody terrible looking.

A pass??? :lol Who do you think you are? Back away before you get burned. :wave

I sold my DX07 to someone with an extra gunbelt and a Sideshow light-up Bespin stand for my cost as a favor. And then they sold it on at profit. #lessons :lol

Savage. Karma will get them.
BESPIN Luke is 100% time better than the recent ANH Tom Cruise! I have and love my DX (miss the whole DX opening experience) my only issues are the exposed wrist joints if you want dynamic poses!

The DX07 likeness I think is indeed better than both the current ANH Luke sculpt and the TFA sculpt. Like you, my only quibble is the sleeves are a bit too short, leaving the wrist joints exposed; especially in dynamic poses like you said. I've tried to pull them down as far as they will go to cover the wrist ball joint, but to no avail.

As I mentioned, the only way I think I would get a potential re-release of Bespin Luke is if the sculpt is miles better than the DX07 one, which I doubt will happen given their recent track record with being unable to nail Hamill's likeness 100 percent (ANH and TFA, though I think the latter so far looks to be a better portrait than the former). How about you, Mr. Cosby? Do you see that happening? :lol

I'll be happy if they just do a Dagobah Luke. New head, detailed upper body for the space-wifebeater look.

Isn't SSC doing Empire pilot Luke? That might also be cool for a Dagobah setup.
I'll be happy if they just do a Dagobah Luke. New head, detailed upper body for the space-wifebeater look.

Isn't SSC doing Empire pilot Luke? That might also be cool for a Dagobah setup.

I think that would have to be their double-dipping justifying. Make it a Dagobah look with a muscle body and then just include the Bespin Jacket to complete the look. The Battle damage stuff would remain exclusive to the DX, but new things like the Yoda Backpack, a base with stacked rocks and an upside-down hair piece would be exclusive to the new pack. Frankly, having a figure that could do a hand stand might actually make for a unique figure on the shelf. Maybe even offer up a 2 pack with a dirty repaint of R2 if they want to really justify a 2.0 to themselves.

I still don't understand how even HT can't get Yoda's minty green skin tone right. Is it a Lucasfilm mandate to keep Yoda prequel colored?
Enjoy the review folks. IMO this is way better than the Sideshow version, the closed eyes HS is what sealed the deal for me. :rock
those floating rocks look so silly.

but on the flip side, I thought the hair was only sculpted did I miss something? I bought all these cotton balls for no reason lololol jk, but that's awesome they gave it some fuzz, looks great.
My main concern is the length of his robe (thing?) - and that it's so clean-cut and not tattered at the bottom.
My main concern is the length of his robe (thing?) - and that it's so clean-cut and not tattered at the bottom.

Agree about the condition of the bottom of the robe, looks like it could use some light sandpaper treatment. Perhaps some dirty dagobah water too.
The robe on the final figure doesn't look anywhere near as worn and tattered as the prototype. Maybe they thought if they glued some hair on all the figures then nobody would notice?

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