1/6 Hot Toys - MMS244 - Amazing Spider-Man 2 - Spider-Man Figure

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I'll hold on to my PO. As most have said the no NRD means I can play the waiting game a bit. And it it turns out bad once we see OMG's pics, then I can cancel, and go spend that money on an Xbox One or PS4.
finally got to see the movie, thought it was great, shame as I wish HT put out a solid figure for it
im afraid this looks way too much like a cheap plastic figure, last set of shots are brutal(neck seam, shiney red, etc)
There are more unflattering pics than there are flattering ones of this figure. I think most of us here are hoping that the proto get's improved and they change the material on the suit. As much as I want to add a Spider Man to my collection I don't want a $200+ figure that makes me go, "Meh..." everytime I look at it.
Idk how many more pictures ppl need to see to realize that no amount of futzing/light/posing/anything will make this thing look good, and that if HT actually sticks to the release date, the chances of it getting revised are zero.
I thought the promo pics looked pretty cool :dunno

Perhaps I haven't been paying that much attention to this thread, since I wanted to avoid spoilers (seen the movie now), so perhaps I missed something?
I thought the promo pics looked pretty cool :dunno

Perhaps I haven't been paying that much attention to this thread, since I wanted to avoid spoilers (seen the movie now), so perhaps I missed something?

While I personally don't think the promo pics look as bad as some people are making it out to be (seriously, a Hasbro figure? it's like some people have never seen a Hasbro figure for them to even compare it to this decent-looking figure) it does look off when I searched up photos of the new Spidey outfit for comparison.

Mainly has to do with how the material that HT used seems too warm red and rubber-y whereas the real thing looks like a deep crimson red that should have a more flush/velveteen look to it. Where the rubber-y look may have been more suited for the older ASM outfit, it really gives the wrong impression when used for the new outfit.
Maybe it's me not knowing enough about Hot Toys since I am a new collector, but I still like this figure. I'm a huge Spider-Man fan and TASM2 suit is almost straight out of the comics, which I love. No, this figure is not 100% screen accurate and there is some flaws (the head seam is the only one that really bugs me, not so much the hands) but I still think it looks awesome. Maybe I'm just too used to seeing cheap toys at Target and haven't been around the high quality stuff enough:huh
Idk how many more pictures ppl need to see to realize that no amount of futzing/light/posing/anything will make this thing look good, and that if HT actually sticks to the release date, the chances of it getting revised are zero.

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People say this all the time. It's such standard fare on these boards to see some unflattering pictures and people constantly complaining about it. Then the figure actually hits and we see in hand pictures and pretty much always (there are some figures that don't turn out great but it's not that often) the majority of people are satisfied.
Don't like it. Don't buy it. Until we get in hand pics and final product i will respect the people who made the figure.
People say this all the time. It's such standard fare on these boards to see some unflattering pictures and people constantly complaining about it. Then the figure actually hits and we see in hand pictures and pretty much always (there are some figures that don't turn out great but it's not that often) the majority of people are satisfied.

Agreed, another thing people always say when discussion or arguments happen over a figure is highlighted below...

Don't like it. Don't buy it. Until we get in hand pics and final product i will respect the people who made the figure.

Criticism is necessary... it helps companies like HT's improve. I havent bought this yet as I dont yet like... but Im really hoping HT's changes my mind
Agreed, another thing people always say when discussion or arguments happen over a figure is highlighted below...

Criticism is necessary... it helps companies like HT's improve. I havent bought this yet as I dont yet like... but Im really hoping HT's changes my mind

Your right of course but it doesnt always work. I prefer to think of criticism as necessary for some to decide whether or not they would like to buy the figure in question.... such as when they are composing a Pros/Cons list
Your right of course but it doesnt always work. I prefer to think of criticism as necessary for some to decide whether or not they would like to buy the figure in question.... such as when they are composing a Pros/Cons list
For me I do that. To tell myself to get this figure or not. But some people on here still get it even if they say they do not like it anyway! I like this figure even with the flaws. It's the best comic spidey thus far. I have the rami one and that while being a work of art had such fragile webbing on it I was so scared to pose it alot. I think I'll prefer this one. Eyes are bigger and body is better suited to peter parker. Material wise I just hope it does hold over time. I'm not one for accuracy movie wise but rather realism if you know what I mean.
Don't like it. Don't buy it. Until we get in hand pics and final product i will respect the people who made the figure.

The oldest and most frequently stated words here that actually looks past the possibility that not all of the critiques are just talking ****. Some of them are expressing their frustration because the fact is, THEY'D LOVE TO HAVE THE FIGURE, THEY JUST DON'T LIKE HOW IT'S EXECUTED.

"Don't Like It, Don't Buy It" is up there with the most condescending statements including "People say things so as not to feel bad for not buying/not being able to afford the figure/s". Let people moan. It's $200+ they're asking from us, not $10. It's only right to ask for improvements.
To put it simply, 'squeaky wheel gets the grease' If enough people complain, HT will realise they have to fix it.

Its obvious this was a rush job and we know they could make it look a lot more screen accurate if they tried. My concern is HT will decide this sloppy proto is good enough and won't bother changing anything.
My waitlist converted on the exclusive a few days ago... I have considered cancelling many times but with no NRD I will consider it more closer to the release date
Yeah. Im normally one to say stop belly aching because complaining doesnt do any good and its difficult to get a product that makes everyone happy, regardless of the steep price tag. The issue remains this figure doesnt look that great. Im not sure what is with the new style of hands, and for me the material is a bust. But it is what it is at this point. I did love the costume in the movie though. Best one on screen thus far.

If they make tweaks I will grab this one after release, but not before.
i do all understand the criticisms. it's also alright to ask/hope they improve the figure because of the $$$ cost of this item. But for most of the part just bashing the figure while it's not being release yet is something that's too hardcore. i'm just a minority here, We just hope the figure will turn out good when it's being release. Until then, i mean no disrespect to others.
i do all understand the criticisms. it's also alright to ask/hope they improve the figure because of the $$$ cost of this item. But for most of the part just bashing the figure while it's not being release yet is something that's too hardcore. i'm just a minority here, We just hope the figure will turn out good when it's being release. Until then, i mean no disrespect to others.

How is anyone disrespecting others by wanting a Spider-Man figure that looks decent?

"Don't want it don't buy it". My butt. I want it, but not in this current, horrid state that some seem to be overlooking.

Another thing, by PO'ing, you are basically telling HT "I'll take whatever you put out".

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until then, hoping they improve the figure. if not, then whoever wants to buy the figure he/she will buy it and display it in his/her collection.