Christopher Nolan's Interstellar

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Hang on...
(I added the pizza slice to be postmodern and pretentious)

I was thinking about it, and one other thing bothered me about the movie...

I'm not sure if I have his name right, was it Romily? Anyway, the character that stayed aboard the main ship and chose not to go into stasis, allowing himself to age considerably by the time the landing party returned, had to have used up a huge amount of resources. Would they even have enough resources for a person to survive off of for over 20 years? I realize they are setting up a colony, but at the very least he would have had to make a considerable dent in their food and water resources. Just seems like a irresponsible thing to do on his part.
I was thinking about it, and one other thing bothered me about the movie...

I'm not sure if I have his name right, was it Romily? Anyway, the character that stayed aboard the main ship and chose not to go into stasis, allowing himself to age considerably by the time the landing party returned, had to have used up a huge amount of resources. Would they even have enough resources for a person to survive off of for over 20 years? I realize they are setting up a colony, but at the very least he would have had to make a considerable dent in their food and water resources. Just seems like a irresponsible thing to do on his part.

I think he says that he went into stasis for periods of time. I don't think he was awake the whole 20 years.
The door panel is made of a futuristic material that kill all the sounds from the outside called absorbium.

They should have had Robert Downy Jr walk by and wink.

The movie was decent, but way to long. Plot holes and silly stuff galore.

2001 it tries to be, but is not.
I think he says that he went into stasis for periods of time. I don't think he was awake the whole 20 years.

I am assuming, of course, that if it is like it is in most movies, that the character does not age once he or she is in stasis. He looks to have aged considerably over that period of time.
Maybe I missed this but why were they
Spoiler Spoiler:
Maybe I missed this but why were they
Spoiler Spoiler:

Yeah, that doesnt make a lot of sense. if they can receive they should be able to transmit.
I am assuming, of course, that if it is like it is in most movies, that the character does not age once he or she is in stasis. He looks to have aged considerably over that period of time.

Good point. I guess that during those 20 years he did nothing, never left or attempted a "rescue" of the others, or moved on to Edmunds?
Finally saw this movie. Absolutely loved it. What an amazing experience. I hope Nolan doesn't get put off by all these hipsters bashing on this film. We need more movies like this and I hope he doesn't stop. Can't wait to watch it again next week.
Finally saw this movie. Absolutely loved it. What an amazing experience. I hope Nolan doesn't get put off by all these hipsters bashing on this film. We need more movies like this and I hope he doesn't stop. Can't wait to watch it again next week.

There was a time before Nolan really hit it big that you would have been a hipster to like him. Now it's swung around the other way. It's gas.
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