1. MGS1 - Gaming perfection.
2. MGS3 - I think this game would probably be even more loved if it weren’t for the fact that its the only numbered MGS game that already had a game in the series release prior to it on the same system. MGS1, MGS2, and MGS4 blew everyone away when first released because they were next gen Metal Gear games, MGS3 didn’t have that luxury.
3. MGS4 - Not the best written, but pretty damn epic, what it lacks in story it makes up for in the gameplay department. Most of it is fan service, but I think thats exactly how it should have been. Playing and beating this was one of the greatest gaming experience of my life, Kojima knew what he was doing, the flashbacks, returning to Shadow Moses, Liquid Ocelot vs Old Snake boss battle, the wtf ending with Big Boss, I was satisfied.
4. MGS2 - Pretty much the anti-MGS4. Incredibly written but I had major issues with some characters, bosses, and pacing. Maybe this is Kojima’s most ambitious game, but it wasn’t his most well executed.
5.MGSR - Fun Fun Fun
6. MGSPO - Enjoyed the overall game, but wasn’t a fan of most the story, really liked Gene though.
7. MGSPW - Enjoyed some of the story, loved the gameplay and co-op but most definitely my least favorite game in the series.
7. MGSGZ- Enjoyed pretty much everything except the length of the game. The atmosphere of Camp Omega, and Kiefer boss were the two best things about it.